Washing machine error code
Error code E3 is appearing on my new washing machine. What does it mean?
Water overfull or foam up - detected during 'unbalance' cycle. The pump should draining during this time.
Error code 11E is appearing on my washing machine. What does this mean?
Motor tacho signal pulse count is excessively high. Try switching the washing machine Off/On to reset the fault.
Error message E8 is appearing on my washing machine. What does it mean?
You require service please click here to locate a Service Centre near you.
The display shows E1. What does it mean?
Make sure that the source water tap is turned on. Check the water pressure
The display shows E9. What does it mean?
Check the end of the drain hose to see if it is too low. Make sure that the holder of the drain hose in the back is intact. Check whether the end of the drain hose is submerged in water.
The display shows E4. What does it mean?
The laundry load is unbalanced; Loosen any tangled laundry. If only one item of clothing needs washing, such as a bathrobe or jeans, the final spin result might be unsatisfactory and an 'E4' error message will be shown on the display.
The display shows E2. What does it mean?
Clean the debris filter. Make sure that drainage hose is installed correctly
The words 'DOOR ED' are showing on my Washing Machine display, what do they mean?
DOOR ED means close the door. If after closing the door does not clear the display,
The display shows E3. What does it mean?
Water overfull or foam up - detected during 'unbalance' cycle. The pump should drain during this time. You will require a service call should the problem persist.
Please refer to the User Manual of your machine for more Information Code / Error Code descriptions. User Manuals can also be downloaded on our website.
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