Alert messages on the Samsung Bespoke Jet™ display panel

Last Update date : Sep 18. 2023
A Samsung Bespoke Jet AI vacuum is displayed in a living room

The self-diagnosis function on your Samsung Bespoke Jet™ vacuum will let you know if there is an error with your vacuum’s components, such as its filter or battery. An alert will appear on the vacuum’s display panel, so you can easily check the components and clean or replace them as needed.

The display panel of of a Samsung Bespoke Jet AI vacuum is highlighted and showing an error message

The following guide can be used to check what to do when you see a particular alert message on your Samsung Bespoke Jet™ vacuum.

  • Low battery.

    Displays when battery is low.
  • Object stuck in brush/tool.

    Error displays when something is caught in the brush or tool.
  • Filter not inserted.

    Error displays when Micro Filter is missing.
  • Clogged.

    Error displays when the vacuum cleaner is clogged.
  • Check brush, tool, or filter.

    Alerts the user to check the brush, tool, or filter in order to solve the clogging error.
  • Clean Micro filter.

    Alerts and recommends the user to regularly check and wash the Micro Filter.
  • Energy Saving on.

    Displays when the Energy Saving mode is on.
  • Energy Saving off.

    Displays when the Energy Saving mode is off.

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