Tips for using Voice Note on Samsung PC (Hong-Kong version)

Last Update date : Sep 25. 2020

With Voice Note, you can record important information from meetings or lectures before tests as voice notes using a far-field mike.
You can clearly record complicated discussions in meetings or a professor’s distant voice, and you can bookmark or make memos for important information with the S Pen to easily find it later.


1 Click the Start button on the taskbar and find and open [Voice Note] in the [Samsung] folder.
voice note, recording, voice, samsung, pc, notebook, computer, tablets
2 Use the recording feature to use Voice Note.
start recording, voice note, samsung, computer, pc, notebook, tablet

• Major features in Voice Note

You can record voice and add bookmarks.

1 Open the app, then click the [Start recording] button at the top to record.
start recording, voice note, samsung, computer, pc, tablet, notebook, features, record voice, add bookmarks
2 You can add bookmarks by choosing the bookmarks you want while recording.
- Text bookmarks: add a bookmark at the time you want and write a text memo.
add bookmarks, recording, text bookmarks, text memo, voice note, samsung computer, notebook, pc, tablet


- Drawing bookmarks: add a bookmark at the time you want and make a picture memo.

drawing bookmarks, draw, picture memo, samsung computers, voice note, recording, notebook, pc, tablets
replaying, voice note, samsung notebook, tablet, pc, computers, bookmark, recording, bookmark memo,

- When you choose a bookmark from the list, the recording will play starting at that bookmark and the bookmark memo will be displayed.

- If the recording plays past a bookmark, that bookmark's menu will be highlighted and displayed. (However, it will not be highlighted if you are editing a different bookmark at the time.)

- You can add, delete, or modify bookmarks, and you can move the time of a bookmark by dragging and dropping.

editing, voice note, recording, samsung computers, tablets, notebook, pc, manually trim, trim bookmark section
1 Cutting manually
You can use the time bar and choose the part you want to cut out and edit.

ㆍDeleting a selected part: you can delete a part you've selected.

ㆍDeleting a part you haven’t selected: you can delete everything except the part you've selected.

2 Cutting a bookmarked part (you cannot cut bookmarked parts of less than 1 second.)
You can set and edit a part of the recording from the chosen bookmark to the next bookmark.
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ㆍSaving as a single file: you can save several bookmarks into one file.

ㆍSaving as several files: you can save several bookmarks as individual files.

settings, voice note, samsung computer, pc, tablets, notebook, storage path, store, Automatic file saving interval, back up recorded file, Maximum recording time, Moving the play time, SoundAlive Auto Volume, change recorded sound, play time, replaying, save, auto saving,

- Storage path: You can set a separate path to save recorded files.
- Automatic file saving interval: You can back up recorded file data at set intervals to automatically save it and can set the time between those intervals.
- Maximum recording time: You can set the maximum recording time.
- Moving the play time: You can move the play time to start playing.
- SoundAlive Auto Volume: You can change the recorded sound when replaying.

- The above product description is only applicable to the Windows 10 on Samsung computers (Hong-Kong version) in year 2018. The above product description was updated in July 2018 and for reference only.

- Windows is either registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other products and services mentioned may belong to their respective trademark owners.

- Images are for reference only.

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