How do I use the S Camera app on my Windows 8 Samsung notebook?

Last Update date : Nov 23. 2020

S Camera: you can take photos and record videos with the S Camera app, and view them directly in this app. Follow these steps to do so.


1. Open the Charms menu by moving your mouse pointer to the bottom-right corner of the screen (or swipe your finger from the right edge of the screen to the left if your notebook has a touchscreen).

2. Select  Start.

3. Select S Camera.



4. To take a picture slide the camera mode bar into the   Photo position. To make a video recording slide the camera mode bar to the  Video position.

5. Tap on  Take a picture/Record a video to take a picture or record a video.

6. You can view the picture or video using the  Picture preview or the S Gallery app.


 The S Camera app is not available in Desktop mode.

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