How do I safely clean my Samsung computer screen?

Last Update date : Sep 25. 2020


  • To avoid the risk of electric shock make sure your hands are dry before unplugging your monitor from, or plugging your monitor in, to an electrical outlet.
  • When you clean your monitor do not press down on the screen. Pressing down on the screen can scratch or otherwise damage your display.
  • Use only cleansers made specifically for cleaning monitors and monitor screens. Cleansers not made to clean monitors and monitor screens can scratch the display and strip off the finish.
  • Do not spray any kind of liquid directly on to the screen or case of your monitor.
  • Do not use paper towels or abrasive pads to clean your monitor. Using an abrasive pad or any wood-based paper product such as paper towels can scratch your screen.


To clean your screen safely follow these steps:

1. Disconnect the monitor's power cable from the power source.

2. Gently wipe the surface using a clean, dry micofibre cloth. Use as little pressure as possible. To remove tough marks, such as smudges, spray a small amount of non-abrasive cleanser on the microfibre cloth before wiping it over the screen.

3. Wait until your monitor is completely dry (if you used cleaning fluid on the cloth) before re-plugging it in and powering it back up.


Choice of cleaning cloth and solution

To clean your monitor we recommend using a double-sided microfibre cloth. Besides being extremely soft and non-abrasive these cloths are also non-electrostatic, which is ideal for cleaning monitor screens. Be sure to remove the tags from the cloth before using it on your screen.

Do not use cleaning fluids that contain any of the following agents:

  • Acetone
  • Ethyl Alcohol
  • Ethyl Acid
  • Ammonia
  • Methyl Chloride

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