How to delete your Bixby account

Last Update date : Jan 28. 2025

If you no longer wish to use Bixby, you can delete your account at any time. Deleting your account will permanently remove your access to Bixby and its features. The process is simple and completed through the app. Please follow the guide below to delete your Bixby account.

Two women actively using the Bixby feature on Samsung Galaxy device.

Delete your Bixby account

Settings home screen. Settings home screen.

Step 1. Open Settings > Tap Advanced features.

Advanced features settings screen. Advanced features settings screen.

Step 2. Tap Bixby.

Bixby home settings screen Bixby home settings screen

Step 3. Tap Leave Bixby.

Leave Bixby settings page with disclaimer for leaving Bixby. Leave Bixby settings page with disclaimer for leaving Bixby.

Step 4. Confirm by tapping Leave Bixby.

Leave Bixby settings with a pop-up with confirmation of leaving Bixby. Leave Bixby settings with a pop-up with confirmation of leaving Bixby.

Step 5. Tap OK and confirm your identity by entering your Samsung account credentials to finalise leaving Bixby.


  • The extent of Bixby’s features and content may vary depending on the residing country, language, device model and OS version.
  • The user interface may change depending on the device model.

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