
最後更新日期 : 2024年5月21日
A stylistic representation of the Samsung Music Frame

三星音樂畫框(Music Frame)是一個無線音響,以個性化的畫框為設計,既可以當作傳統相框放置於其他傢俱上,亦可懸掛於日常生活空間的牆壁上。設置好您的三星音樂畫框後,即可參考我們的連接指南,了解如何控制這款音響。

The Samsung Music Frame is displayed on a white wall



A close-up of the Samsung Music Frame
  • LED 指示燈:LED 指示燈會根據音樂畫框的當前模式或狀態閃爍、恆亮或改變顏色。

  • 多功能鍵:待機狀態下,按下以開啟音樂畫框。每次按下多功能鍵將變更功能模式。

  • 音量鍵:調整音量。

  • 咪高風開關鍵:開啟或關閉咪高風。
A close view of the ports available on the Samsung Music Frame
  • D. IN Optical port(光纖連接口):連接到外部設備的數位(光纖)輸出。

  • DC 19V port(電源輸入):連接到 AC/DC 電源轉接器。

  • SmartThings Dongle 連接口:連接 SmartThings Dongle 以使用 SmartThings Hub 功能。
Several Samsung Music Frames displayed on a white wall


1 拉起畫框,移除面板。
Graphical representation of the frame being removed from a Samsung Music Frame
2 以手指在下圖上的位置移除保護面板。
Graphical representation of the cover being removed from a Samsung Music Frame
3 滑動移除原本照片,插入新的照片替換(照片大小為 8 x 10 吋)。
Graphical representation of a printed picture is being inserted into a Samsung Music Frame
4 蓋上保護面板,然後按下四個鎖鏈,固定位置。
Graphical representation of a cover of a Samsung Music Frame is being put back in place
A Samsung Music Frame is displayed with several art panels in front of it



  • 藝術面板另外發售。購買產品時並不包括藝術面板。

  • 藝術面板的大小為 330.0 mm x 330.0 mm x 5.0 mm。
1 首先,準備好組件內的固定板和固定導軌。
Graphical representation of the Holder Guide and Holder Plate of the Samsung Music Frame
2 使用固定導軌,將固定板連接到藝術面板的角落。
Graphical representation of the holder plate being attached to a Samsung Music Frame
3 移除固定導軌。
Graphical representation of the holder guide being removed from a Samsung Music Frame
4 拉起畫框,移除面板。
Graphical representation of the photo frame being removed from a Samsung Music Frame
5 移除面板後,將藝術面板放置於音樂畫框裡。確保藝術面板的四個角落均被完全推入至音樂畫框內。
Graphical representation of the art panel being put back in place into a Samsung Music Frame



How to install a Photo Frame and replace a photo on the Music Frame How to install a Photo Frame and replace a photo on the Music Frame
How to install an Art Panel on the Music Frame How to install an Art Panel on the Music Frame
How to assemble a Colour Bezel How to assemble a Colour Bezel


How to connect the Music Frame to Bluetooth devices How to connect the Music Frame to Bluetooth devices
How to install the SmartThings app and register the Music Frame How to install the SmartThings app and register the Music Frame
