在Galaxy Themes下載內容時出現錯誤該如何解決?

最後更新日期 : 2022年7月15日

在Galaxy Themes下載設計時偶爾會出現錯誤,最常見的情況是在下載和更新時出現,請繼續閱讀本文以找出問題和解決方法。

Error message downloading Galaxy Themes.


Step 1. View of phone screen with “Settings” option highlighted. Step 1. View of phone screen with “Settings” option highlighted.

步驟1. 開啟電話的「設定」功能表。

Step 2. View of Settings page with “Apps” option highlighted. Step 2. View of Settings page with “Apps” option highlighted.

步驟2. 按「應用程式」。

Step 3. View of Applications page with “Galaxy Themes” option highlighted. Step 3. View of Applications page with “Galaxy Themes” option highlighted.

步驟3. 點選「Galaxy Themes」。

Step 4. View of Galaxy Themes page with “Storage” highlighted. Step 4. View of Galaxy Themes page with “Storage” highlighted.

步驟4. 點選「儲存位置」。

Step 5. View of Storage page with “Delete data/ Cache” option highlighted. Step 5. View of Storage page with “Delete data/ Cache” option highlighted.

步驟5. 先按「清除數據」,執行完畢後再按「清除緩存」。


Step 1. Do a long press on your home screen of your Galaxy device. Step 1. Do a long press on your home screen of your Galaxy device.

步驟1. 在裝置主畫面長按1至2秒。

Step2. On the bottom of the screen, tap on the "Themes" tab. Step2. On the bottom of the screen, tap on the "Themes" tab.

步驟2. 點選「主題」圖示。

Step 3. Tap on "Menu" on the right bottom of the screen. Step 3. Tap on "Menu" on the right bottom of the screen.

步驟3. 按右下方「≡功能表」圖示。

Step 4. Tap on the settings icon on the top right off the screen. Step 4. Tap on the settings icon on the top right off the screen.

步驟4. 按右上方「設定」圖示。

Step 5. Scroll down and tap on "Contact us". Step 5. Scroll down and tap on "Contact us".

步驟5. 點選「聯絡我們」。

Step 6. Tap "Error reports" and, on the next screen, fill in the information required and send the report. Step 6. Tap "Error reports" and, on the next screen, fill in the information required and send the report.

步驟6. 按「錯誤報告」。



Step 1. Do a long press on your Galaxy home screen. Step 1. Do a long press on your Galaxy home screen.

步驟1. 在裝置主畫面長按1至2秒。

Step 2. On the bottom of the screen, tap on "Themes" tab. Step 2. On the bottom of the screen, tap on "Themes" tab.

步驟2. 點選「主題」圖示。

Step 3. In the bottom options bar, tap on "Menu" option. Step 3. In the bottom options bar, tap on "Menu" option.

步驟3. 按右下方「≡功能表」圖示。

Step 4. Tap on "My Stuff" or "Purchased items". You can find these options on the tap of the screen or in the centre of the screen. Step 4. Tap on "My Stuff" or "Purchased items". You can find these options on the tap of the screen or in the centre of the screen.

步驟4. 按「我的內容」。




Step 1. Open your phone’s “Settings” menu. Step 1. Open your phone’s “Settings” menu.

步驟1. 開啟裝置的「設定」功能表。

Step 2. Tap on “Display" option scrolling down on your screen. Step 2. Tap on “Display" option scrolling down on your screen.

步驟2. 點選「顯示」。

Step 3. Tap on “Light” Step 3. Tap on “Light”

步驟3. 按「明亮」。


