BESPOKE AI Stylish 設計品味雙門下置式雪櫃 340L (迷霧白 / 淡粉桃)



顏色 : 迷霧白 + 淡粉桃
BESPOKE AI Stylish 設計品味雙門下置式雪櫃 340L (迷霧白 / 淡粉桃)
迷霧白 + 淡粉桃

HK$ 10,380.00

HK$ 12,950.00 節省 HK$ 2,570.00

或 免息分期每月 HK$ 288.33 起*



The outline of Bespoke RR7000, RB7300 art drawn with lines, and each color is painted. The colors and locations change, showing various combinations, and then the appearance of being installed together in the living room.


The SmartThings app is onscreen. SmartThings AI Energy Mode is turned on.

SmartThings AI 節能模式

The door of the RB7300 has been opened in the kitchen, displaying arrows as large as SpaceMax™.

SpaceMax™ 技術



* 圖片為模擬影像,僅供參考。顏色選項可能因地區而有所不同。
BESPOKE RR7000 with Satin Sky Blue and RB7300 with a Clean Peach top and a Clean Vanilla bottom are in the kitchen. BESPOKE RR7000 with Satin Sky Blue and RB7300 with a Clean Peach top and a Clean Vanilla bottom are in the kitchen.


BESPOKE - 自定組合

按你的生活方式,自定和組合雪櫃。你可把容量為 340L 的雪櫃視為單一組件,但配以兩門方式靈活使用。但是,如果你想要更多儲存空間,你也可無縫組合多個組件,包括兩種不同尺寸的單門型號或另一個雙門型號。*

The outline of Bespoke RR7000, RB7300 art drawn with lines, and each color is painted. The colors and locations change, showing various combinations, and then the appearance of being installed together in the living room. The outline of Bespoke RR7000, RB7300 art drawn with lines, and each color is painted. The colors and locations change, showing various combinations, and then the appearance of being installed together in the living room.
  • * 一門型號 RZ24A5470AP 和 兩門型號 RB34C7B4EAP,如果你想要組合安裝,請於購買前檢查該型號是否允許組合安裝。你可於門市或 網站上瀏覽。
  • *香港地區 BESPOKE 雪櫃自訂面板顏色只包括迷霧白、淡粉桃、海軍藍和天空藍。日後可能會提供更多顏色。

Smart Energy 節能高達15%

SmartThings AI 節能模式

AI 節能模式**減少多達15%耗電量*。如你使用自訂模式,而電費預算超出預設目標,AI 節能模式就會自動啟動***。並按你的使用習慣及周圍環境,充分改善壓縮機速度及溶雪周期。

The SmartThings app is onscreen. SmartThings AI Energy Mode is turned on. The SmartThings app is onscreen. SmartThings AI Energy Mode is turned on.

* 自 2023 年 5 月起,可透過 Wi-Fi 更新在特定型號上使用。測試結果是基於使用AI 節能模式和不使用AI 節能模式時出廠設定溫度的比較。結果可能會因使用條件和模式而異。 **可透過 Android 和 iOS 裝置上的 SmartThings 應用程式取得。需要 Wi-Fi 連線和三星帳戶。 *** 預估帳單來自 Smart Things 設備,可能與實際帳單有所不同。 SmartThings 將顯示兩個選項,「最大模式」和「自訂模式」來設定 AI 能源模式。

外型不變 卻變出更大容量

SpaceMax™ 技術

特大容量高達390公升,輕鬆儲存更多食物。配合櫥櫃標準600mm深度設計,輕易與櫥櫃無縫對齊。SpaceMax™ 技術採用高效保溫物料,使機身更纖薄。增加容量而不怕超出放置空間。

* 全方位製冷 RB38** = 390 公升,RB34** = 340 公升。雙製冷 RB38** = 390 公升。
The door of the RB7300 has been opened in the kitchen, displaying arrows as large as SpaceMax™. The door of the RB7300 has been opened in the kitchen, displaying arrows as large as SpaceMax™.


A person is using the SmartThings Energy and checks the energy usage. A person is using the SmartThings Energy and checks the energy usage.

SmartThings 能源

能源效益更高 智能省得更多

管理耗電量、節省能源及追蹤碳足跡。SmartThings 能源* 提供能源效益建議,實時監察耗電量**,並與過往月分比較。如果超出每月預算,會發出通知。

* 適用於 Android 和 iOS 裝置。需要 Wi-Fi 連線和三星帳戶。 ** SmartThings 能源目前可與約 40 款支援 SmartThings 的三星家用電器搭配使用。其中包括冰箱、洗衣機、乾衣機、洗碗機、空調、空氣清淨機、吸塵器、烤箱、抽油煙機、爐灶、微波爐、電視(自 2022 年 6 月起)和電表。


A Bespoke refrigerator filled with various foods is open. Cool air comes out through vents in each compartment to maintain the optimum temperature for the food to stay fresh. A Bespoke refrigerator filled with various foods is open. Cool air comes out through vents in each compartment to maintain the optimum temperature for the food to stay fresh.





Two bottles of milk and two bottles of water are stuck in the RB7300 Big Door Bin. There is Up to 4 Pints icon. Two bottles of milk and two bottles of water are stuck in the RB7300 Big Door Bin. There is Up to 4 Pints icon.


Big Door Bin

將較大的瓶(最多4 pint)存放在門背,節省層架空間。 更寬更深的 Big Door Bin 安全存放大瓶、笨重的紙箱或更多飲料。 讓你隨時輕鬆取出冰凍飲料和最喜愛飲品。


There is a sideview of a Digital Inverter Compressor. Below are icons for Energy Efficiency and Little Noise, and a 20-year warranty mark. There is a sideview of a Digital Inverter Compressor. Below are icons for Energy Efficiency and Little Noise, and a 20-year warranty mark.


20 年保養智能變頻技術

20年保用智能變頻縮機讓你享受更高能源效益、更少噪音和更持久平穩性能。智能變頻技術根據冷卻需求,自動調整冷卻速度。 運作更安靜,減少耗電量,延長使用期。變頻技術提供20年保養*,讓你更安心。

* 20 年保修僅限於壓縮機。


A Bespoke refrigerator with a Glam White glass top and a Satin beige glass bottom is built into a beige cabinet in a minimally decorated kitchen. A Bespoke refrigerator with a Glam White glass top and a Satin beige glass bottom is built into a beige cabinet in a minimally decorated kitchen.

無縫簡約設計 時尚迷人


無縫時尚外觀點綴品味家居。簡潔現代美學,配合標準櫥櫃的600毫米深尺寸,輕鬆與櫥櫃完美對齊。 光滑櫃門與Clean Back背後蘊含簡約內籠設計,隱藏扁平酒架和灰色半透食物箱*。

* 自行選配。只適用於指定型號。


* 此處提供的所有規格可能與實際規格不同。
There are front and side views of RB7300. The RB7300 is 1853mm in height, 595mm in width, and 658mm in depth. When viewed from the top of the RB7300, the detail size is 595mm excluding the door and 658mm including the door. The door is opened up to 105°, with a width of 786 mm and a front width of 595 mm when the door is opened to 90°. When the door of RB7300 is opened at 90°, the length from the back of the product to the front of the door shall be 1207 mm, and the product shall be installed with a space of more than 50 mm from the wall. There are front and side views of RB7300. The RB7300 is 1853mm in height, 595mm in width, and 658mm in depth. When viewed from the top of the RB7300, the detail size is 595mm excluding the door and 658mm including the door. The door is opened up to 105°, with a width of 786 mm and a front width of 595 mm when the door is opened to 90°. When the door of RB7300 is opened at 90°, the length from the back of the product to the front of the door shall be 1207 mm, and the product shall be installed with a space of more than 50 mm from the wall.




(*訂單需要於 1pm 前完成)

舊換新 慳更多



  • 毛容量

    344 ℓ

  • 冷凍系統

    All Around Cooling

  • 毛容量

    344 ℓ

  • 冷凍室毛容量

    114 ℓ

  • 冷藏室毛容量

    230 ℓ

  • 總容量 (公升)

    340 ℓ

  • 冷凍室淨容量

    112 ℓ

  • 冷藏室淨容量

    228 ℓ

  • 淨闊度 (mm)

    595 mm

  • 機身外殼連門鉸淨高度

    1853 mm

  • 機身外殼不連門鉸淨高度

    1853 mm

  • 淨深度連手柄

    658 mm

  • 淨深度不連手柄

    658 mm

  • 淨深度不連門

    595 mm

  • 包裝闊度

    637 mm

  • 包裝高度

    1935 mm

  • 包裝深度

    740 mm

  • 淨重量

    67 kg

  • 包裝重量

    70 kg

  • 集裝箱尺寸


  • 無霜冷凍

  • 冷凍系統

    All Around Cooling

  • Metal Cooling Plate

  • 層架數目 (總數)

    3 EA

  • 層架數目(可折疊)

    1 EA

  • 濕度控制(抽屜)

  • 櫃門儲存格數量

    3 EA

  • 雞蛋儲存格

  • Optimal Fresh Zone

  • LED 照明燈

    Top LED

  • 層架材質

    Tempered Glass

  • 蔬果抽屜

    2 EA

  • Power Cool功能

  • 抽屜數目

    3 EA

  • Power Freeze功能

  • 冰盤

  • 雙向門

  • 未關櫃門警號

  • 冷凍劑


  • Autonomy Hour (Temp rising)

    18 h

  • 顯示類型


  • 門柄


  • 顏色+

    Panel Ready

  • 門類型


  • 能源消耗 (年)

    300 kWh/year

  • 氣候等級

    Panel Ready

  • 冷凍能力 (kg/24h)

    12 kg/24hr

  • 能源效益標籤

    Hong Kong 1st

  • 雪櫃類型


  • 內置 WiFi

  • SmartThings App 支援



節省HK$2,570.00(原價 HK$12,950.00

