Notebook 9 Always

All Day.
All Night.

Samsung Notebook 9 Always系列一直以來都是尖端科技、超卓流動性及優越設計的完美結合,絕無其他電腦產品可以比擬。

An image showing a 13.3" Notebook 9 with 15" and 15" (Discrete Graphics) models to the left and right

The Best.

去蕪存菁,集合眾多優點設計出全新Notebook 9 Always。超脫美學的外型設計,讓人們細看時發現其舒適與奢華,攜帶時感受其舒適及順滑。


藉著先進的工藝科技,Notebook 9 Always現變得前所未有般輕盈強韌!重量只得980g,輕得驚人,為同級手提電腦定下了輕盈新標準。




Notebook 9 Always 由單體機殼構建而成,內部組件與外殼完美結合。強化了的結構整合,令電腦更持久耐用,而免卻了的多餘部件,使電腦更輕巧。

Close the pop-up image
An image showing a silver Notebook 9 device’s side, with its keyboard showing, suspended in mid-air, against a white backdrop.
A image of the left side of the Notebook 9 device’s bottom part, with its cover showing, partially open, with the Samsung logo visible.
Close the pop-up image
An image showing a silver Notebook 9 device’s side, with its keyboard showing, against a white backdrop
An image showing the Notebook 9 device’s side, with its cover showing, open fully, with the Samsung logo visible on the top
Close the pop-up image
A magnified image showing the Notebook 9’s top frame
An image showing the Notebook 9’s cover open with its keyboard and palm rest frame magnified.
A top view of a silver Notebook 9 device, suspended in mid-air.
A video showing how Micro Arc Oxidation coating is applied to a silver Notebook 9 device
A video showing the divisions of the Notebook 9’s frame
A top view of a silver Notebook 9 device, suspended in mid-air.
An image showing how Micro Arc Oxidation coating is applied to a silver Notebook 9 device
An image showing the divisions of the Notebook 9’s frame


藉著先進的工藝科技,Notebook 9 Always現變得前所未有般輕盈強韌!重量只得980g,輕得驚人,為同級手提電腦定下了輕盈新標準。

A top view of a silver Notebook 9 device, suspended in mid-air.
An image showing a silver Notebook 9 device’s side, with its keyboard showing, suspended in mid-air, against a white backdrop.
A magnified image of the left side of the Notebook 9 device’s bottom part, with its cover showing, open fully, with the Samsung logo visible.



An image showing how Micro Arc Oxidation coating is applied to a silver Notebook 9 device
An image showing a silver Notebook 9 device’s side, with its keyboard showing, against a white backdrop
A magnified image of the left side of the Notebook 9 device’s upper part, with its cover showing, open fully, with the Samsung logo visible.


Notebook 9 Always 由單體機殼構建而成,內部組件與外殼完美結合。強化了的結構整合,令電腦更持久耐用,而免卻了的多餘部件,使電腦更輕巧。

An image showing the divisions of the Notebook 9’s frame
A magnified image showing the Notebook 9’s top frame
An image showing the Notebook 9’s cover open with its keyboard and palm rest frame magnified.


當電量快將耗盡,即使您忘記帶上電腦充電器,現在都可以輕鬆找到其他方法充電。Samsung Notebook 9 Always兼容外置充電池充電*,甚至智能手機充電器一樣可以為Samsung Notebook 9 Always充電。*當您下次離家出門,半路中途才醒覺忘記帶上充電器,也不用慌忙打道回府,因為您現在可以不費吹灰之力讓手提電腦保持電力飽滿。


An image showing the Notebook 9’s side and a charging cable connected to a multi-outlet adapter, as well as a portable phone battery and charger. An icon that reads “new” visible, with the text― more compact, slimmer adapter.


Samsung Notebook 9 Always配備全新USB Type-C插口。USB Type C插口可用於快速數據傳輸、視訊連接、裝置連接及充電。

An image showing a charging cable and the Notebook 9’s side with its various ports, including the USB C port, charging, displays, storage, devices icons and texts.

Samsung RealView Display

擁有Samsung RealView 顯示技術的Samsung Notebook 9 Always 帶您進入顯像另一層次。畫質明亮清晰,銳利鮮明,可視角度廣達178度,締造出超卓不凡的Full HD全高清畫面。色彩顯像不亞於真正專業級顯示屏,色差值Delta E低於2.5,色域覆蓋率達sRGB 95%的標準。

An image showing RealView Display’s components with various icons featuring 350 nit brightness in normal mode (outdoor mode:500 nits), Delta E ≦3 color accuracy, SRGB 95%, and 178° wide viewing. In addition, right beside the RealView Display icon, there is a UL-certified logo with text that reads Bright & Acurate Premium Display (500 nits, delta E<2.5). Also displayed are two images featuring a beach under the sunset– on both standard and Real View displays, with text that reads “FULL HD" on the Real View side.


配備優質Full HD全高清顯示屏,可視角度達到178度,無論身處任何位置,顯示屏的高亮度足以呈現清晰鮮明的影像。您亦可同步按下Fn+F10鍵啟動戶外模式,立即將屏幕亮度從350nits提升到500nits,或觀賞影片時利用Video HDR功能加強動態效果。

Normal 350nits
Outdoor 500nits
An image showing the Notebook 9’s screen, displaying a castle in the middle, at the end of a bridge with statues on it, against a white backdrop and A text image showing the device’s 350nit brightness screen in normal mode An image showing the Notebook 9’s screen with increased brightness, displaying a castle in the middle, at the end of a bridge with statues on it and A text image showing the device’s 500nit brightness screen in outdoor mode
An image showing the Notebook 9’s screen with 350 nit brightness in normal mode, displaying a castle in the middle, at the end of a bridge with statues on it, against a white backdrop.
An image showing the Notebook 9’s screen with 500 nit brightness in outdoor mode, displaying a castle in the middle, at the end of a bridge with statues on it, against a white backdrop.


透過共議模式,您可以把Samsung Notebook 9 Always的顯示屏作完整180度翻揭,向坐在您正前方的朋友或同事顯示屏幕,然後同步按下Fn+F11鍵,即時把畫面向反方向轉動,方便您與他們討論及分享重要意見。

display rotate 180°
display rotate 180°
An icon demonstrating how the Notebook 9 is rotatable by 180° and An image showing the Notebook 9’s screen rotated by 180°, with a calendar on its display and An image showing the Notebook 9’s screen rotated by 180° with a reversed calendar on its display


打字理應是一種既準確又舒適的體驗,因此Samsung Notebook 9 Always特設背光鍵盤,助您在陰暗環境中依然暢快無比。弧形鍵帽設計符合人體工學,指尖能夠舒坦地放到每個鍵上。當需要進行打字,每一下敲打鍵盤均能讓您體會舒暢和精準的打字節奏。


An image showing a top view of a silver Notebook 9 device’s cover open,with  its keyboard and a magnified image of one of its keycaps.


An image showing a top view of the Notebook 9’s cover open, with a backlit keyboard and a magnified image of its “S” key.
An image showing a top view of a silver Notebook 9 device’s cover open,with  its keyboard and a magnified image of one of its keycaps.
An image showing a top view of the Notebook 9’s cover open, with a backlit keyboard and a magnified image of its “S” key.


電腦保安已成為手提電腦用家日益關注的問題,Samsung Notebook 9 Always內置指紋感應器,並支援微軟的Windows Hello登入功能,提供更快捷、安全的電腦解鎖方式,過程無需輸入密碼。

An image of a white Notebook 9 device suspended in mid-air with a Windows Hello lock screen and an index finger on it with a magnified image of the fingerprint recognition button. An official Windows Hello logo is visible next to the device.


Samsung Notebook 9 Always內置第7代核心i7 / i5處理器及PCI-e NVMe SSD固態硬碟,速度比一般固態硬碟快5.2倍* (連續讀取)。同時配備DDR4雙通道記憶體,速度更快,效能更強。機身小巧纖細,卻蘊含強效處理器、硬碟機及記憶體,令人驚訝不已。

*數據根據標準256GB SSD固態硬碟所得。

A magnified image of the Notebook 9’s mainboard, with its CPU, RAM, and hardware chipset visible.

teamPL An image showing a teamPL icon

Samsung Notebook 9 Always備有屏幕共享功能,方便同事與朋友間合作完成小組工作。teamPL功能會根據區域網絡把屏幕畫面分享給5位同事或朋友,助您們快捷簡單地合作完成工作,是一項用於進行小組項目協作的完美解決方案,尤其適合小型企業採用。


An image showing the same Excel file open on six silver Notebook 9 devices’ screens

PC Gallery An image showing a PC gallery icon

用智能手機拍攝的所有相片均同步上存至Notebook 9 Always,方便您輕鬆擷取。此功能會自動為相片進行備份,同時根據拍攝日期和地點分類,您隨後可為相片加上標籤,甚至在電腦上編輯相片。

An image showing a smartphone and a Notebook 9 device synced wirelessly, with the same thumbnail images on both devices’ screens shared between the devices

簡單分享 An image showing a Simple Sharing icon

透過Windows 10共享功能,您可直接與聯絡人共享檔案,或從應用程式中進行分享。您可在48小時內傳輸高達2GB的數據到伺服器(每個檔案容量高達1GB)。

An image illustrating how a wireless connection is operating between a smartphone and a Notebook 9 device, allowing files from the notebook to be shared to and from the phone

Wi-Fi傳輸An image showing a Wi-Fi Transfer icon


An image showing a notebook and a smartphone linked via the Wi-Fi Transfer function.

預載Windows 10An image showing a Featuring Windows 10 icon

Samsung Notebook 9 Always預載Windows 10作業系統,操作強效易用,同時提供快速流暢的預設網頁瀏覽器Microsoft Edge,用戶可到Windows Store搜尋到大批實用應用程式讓您提升電腦效能。

An image showing a silver Notebook 9 device’s screen with Windows 10 GUI on its display, and its cover open




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  • User Manual(Windows 10)
  • User Manual(Windows 10)



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* 所支援及可用的5G網絡制式會因應不同裝置而異。有關香港三星5G裝置可支援的5G網絡制式之詳情,請按此

+ 顏色只供參考;詳情請向店員查詢。

▲ 實際可用記憶體可因手機/平板電腦/相機/電腦出廠配置不同而異,出廠配置包括已預載之操作平台及應用程式


- 存儲容量代表: 製造商的存儲設備 (硬盤、固態硬盤) 容量假定按1KB=1000位元組計算。但是,操作系統 (Windows) 計算存儲設備容量時卻是假定1KB=1024位元組,因此,由於容量計算方法的不同,Windows中硬盤的容量顯示會小於實際的容量。例如,對於一個80GB的硬盤,Windows顯示的容量為74.5GB,80x1000x1000x1000位元組/(1024x1024x1024)位元組=74.505。另外,Windows中的容量顯示甚至可能會更小,因為一些程式 (例如三星快速恢復功能) 可能會預留在硬盤的隱藏區域中。 記憶體容量代表: Windows中顯示的內存容量小於實際的內存容量。因為BIOS或圖像處理器佔用了部分內存,或者預留內存供以後使用。例如,安裝1GB(=1,024MB)內存,Windows可能顯示為1,022MB或更小。

- 實際電池壽命會因應應用程式使用情況、設定、功能或所選工作、網絡配置、操作溫度及眾多其他因素而有所不同。

- Windows是Microsoft Corporation在美國和/或其他國家的註冊商標或商標,而所有其他公司和產品名稱可能是各相關公司所擁有之商標。

^ 不適用於香港地區出售之型號。

- 實際重量可能因製造過程而略有不同。

- Windows部分應用程式及內容須另行購買,其功能、內容與應用程式的供應情況和使用體驗會因應不同裝置和地區而異。

- 香港版本之Galaxy Book Flex2 5G只支援5G TDD Sub6 N78(3500)的5G網絡制式 。