49" ViewFinity S9 S95UC 曲面顯示器


49" ViewFinity S9 S95UC 曲面顯示器


  • Dual QHD解像度及 32:9 超寬視野範圍
  • 內置揚聲器,隨心所欲播放最喜愛的內容
  • USB-C 連接埠只需單一連接線,就可為裝置充電和傳輸資料


顏色 :


  • There are a browser and photoshop tool on the monitor, and there are QHD and DQHD(5120 x 1440) texts on them.
  • A man is using a monitor and it is connected with a laptop and other various devices. Above the image, there is a close up shot of the monitor's connectivity, which shows HDMI, DP, USB-C, USB-B, USB/SERVICE, LAN, and USB 3.0.
    USB Type-C
  • There is a content being edited on the monitor, and around the monitor, there are some circles that represent the built-in speakers of the monitor.
  • There are two monitor screens. One is for 60Hz and the other is for 120Hz refresh rate. The 60Hz one's screen is stuttering whereas 120Hz screen shows smooth visual.


A top side of the monitor is shown and its overall design is shown as it moves. When its movement stops, the logo of the product, 'ViewFinity S9' comes out. A top side of the monitor is shown and its overall design is shown as it moves. When its movement stops, the logo of the product, 'ViewFinity S9' comes out.


Dual QHD 解像度與 1000R 曲面設計

讓自己更為專注沉浸,全面提升生產力,滿足各種工作需求。49" 1000R 曲面顯示器以 32:9 的寬高比例完美環繞,貼近你的視野。透過雙 QHD 的更寬畫面,你能看到更多,處理更多工作,以更舒適的方式實現更高的工作效率。


VESA DisplayHDR 400

在處理影片或設計項目時,忠實呈現每個色調。VESA DisplayHDR 400 支援高動態範圍,讓暗位更深邃,讓亮位更耀眼,還原真實光影,呈現每個明暗細節,讓你的作品以清晰細膩的解像度大放異彩。

*圖片為模擬影像,僅供參考。 *HDR 模式須透過電腦設定啟用。



顯示器和擴充底座合二為一。支援 DisplayPort、2組 HDMI 輸入埠、USB Hub,以及支援 90W 充電的 USB Type-C 連接埠。將顯示器作為集線器,方便連接、傳輸和切換各種裝疊,讓你的桌面井井有條。





內置 KVM Switch

內置一體化切換器,讓你只需一個鍵盤和滑鼠,即可同時連接和控制顯示器上的兩部裝置。你可選擇分割畫面、畫中畫(PIP)或子母畫面(PBP)功能,Multitasking 更為得心應手,既能提高工作效率,又可省卻轉用不同裝置的麻煩。

When the KVM Switch is activated, the source A reacts, and the left side of the screen is activated. And when the KVM Switch is activated again, the source changes from A to B, and the right side of the screen is activated. When the KVM Switch is activated, the source A reacts, and the left side of the screen is activated. And when the KVM Switch is activated again, the source changes from A to B, and the right side of the screen is activated.
When the KVM Switch is activated, the source A reacts, and the left side of the screen is activated. And when the KVM Switch is activated again, the source changes from A to B, and the right side of the screen is activated. When the KVM Switch is activated, the source A reacts, and the left side of the screen is activated. And when the KVM Switch is activated again, the source changes from A to B, and the right side of the screen is activated.


內置 KVM Switch

內置一體化切換器,讓你只需一個鍵盤和滑鼠,即可同時連接和控制顯示器上的兩部裝置。你可選擇分割畫面、畫中畫(PIP)或子母畫面(PBP)功能,Multitasking 更為得心應手,既能提高工作效率,又可省卻轉用不同裝置的麻煩。


內置 KVM Switch

內置一體化切換器,讓你只需一個鍵盤和滑鼠,即可同時連接和控制顯示器上的兩部裝置。你可選擇分割畫面、畫中畫(PIP)或子母畫面(PBP)功能,Multitasking 更為得心應手,既能提高工作效率,又可省卻轉用不同裝置的麻煩。

  • * 120Hz 刷新率在畫中畫模式下無法使用。




There is a monitor being tilted, and next to it, there's another monitor with is being swiveled. On the bottom of the two monitors, there's the other monitor that moves up and down. And it is with 'Height Adjustable Stand' message. There is a monitor being tilted, and next to it, there's another monitor with is being swiveled. On the bottom of the two monitors, there's the other monitor that moves up and down. And it is with 'Height Adjustable Stand' message.


通過 TUV 認證的智能護眼功能

長時間工作和深夜使用時,ViewFinity S9 會根據環境光線,而自動調整屏幕亮度和色溫。顯示器更通過了 TUV 智能護眼認證,在護眼模式下可減少屏幕閃爍和藍光,呵護雙眼。

As the ambient changes, the brightness of the monitor screen is automatically adjusted. At the bottom of the monitor, there is the TUV certification logo(TUVRheinland® CERTI FIED Intelligent Eye Care www.tuv.com ID1111276551). As the ambient changes, the brightness of the monitor screen is automatically adjusted. At the bottom of the monitor, there is the TUV certification logo(TUVRheinland® CERTI FIED Intelligent Eye Care www.tuv.com ID1111276551).
As the ambient changes, the brightness of the monitor screen is automatically adjusted. At the bottom of the monitor, there is the TUV certification logo(TUVRheinland® CERTI FIED Intelligent Eye Care www.tuv.com ID1111276551). As the ambient changes, the brightness of the monitor screen is automatically adjusted. At the bottom of the monitor, there is the TUV certification logo(TUVRheinland® CERTI FIED Intelligent Eye Care www.tuv.com ID1111276551).


通過 TUV 認證的智能護眼功能

長時間工作和深夜使用時,ViewFinity S9 會根據環境光線,而自動調整屏幕亮度和色溫。顯示器更通過了 TUV 智能護眼認證,在護眼模式下可減少屏幕閃爍和藍光,呵護雙眼。

  • *圖片為模擬影像,僅供參考。 *當周圍環境光線高於 200 lux 時,螢幕亮度不會自動調整。

更智能的 Multitasking 軟件

Easy Setting Box

升級的 Samsung Easy Setting Box 擁有更簡約易用的介面,大大提升了工作效率。你可快速輕鬆地分割畫面,或以各種配置顯示不同大小的多個畫面。有了這款簡單易用的軟件,使 Multitasking 易如反掌。

*每部電腦均須安裝 Easy Setting Box 程式,可在 samsung.com 下載。


120Hz 刷新率

從工作中抽身出來,盡情享受屏幕上更為流暢的遊戲體驗。屏幕支援 120Hz 刷新率,讓你在遊戲中獲得更沉浸式體驗,並在瀏覽網頁和使用工作應用程式時減少延遲。



  • 屏幕尺寸 (Class) 49"
  • 解像度 DQHD (5,120 x 1,440)
  • 屏幕比例 32:9
  • 平面 / 曲面 曲面



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  • User Manual
    英文, 越南文, 阿拉伯語, 葡萄牙語, 法語



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- 產品圖片僅供參考,一切以實物為準。如有任何爭議,三星電子香港有限公司保留最終之決定權。

- 所有名稱及註冊商標可能是各相關公司所擁有。