
顯示器的刷新率是指屏幕上的影像每秒更新的頻率,單位為赫茲(Hz)。畫面刷新率越高,性能越流暢,反應越靈敏。當進行遊戲時,我們建議使用畫面刷新率至少為 144Hz 的顯示器,當進行快節奏或對戰遊戲時,200Hz 或更高的刷新率會是最佳選擇,可帶來超流暢、低輸入延遲的沉浸式動作體驗。

如果你喜歡視覺效果強烈的遊戲,那麼大屏幕會給你帶來更沉浸、更逼真的遊戲體驗,如 33 吋及以上的超寬廣屏幕。如果你想在對戰遊戲中同時看到整個屏幕,或者桌面空間有限,選擇較小的屏幕會是較好的選擇。

How detailed do you want your picture? What screen resolution do you prefer? What screen resolution do you prefer? How detailed do you want your picture? How detailed do you want your picture? What screen resolution do you prefer? How detailed do you want your picture? What screen resolution do you prefer?

Gaming with lifelike detail
A higher resolution means the screen can show more pixels at once for a sharper and more realistic image. If your gaming hardware can support the performance, consider upgrading to a UHD monitor which is 4x more pixels than FHD. A wider screen with an aspect ratio such as 21:9 or 32:9 enables incredibly immersive gaming experiences as well as effective multitasking.
Finding the right resolution for you
A higher resolution means the screen can show more pixels at once for a sharper and more realistic image. If your gaming hardware can support the performance, consider upgrading to a UHD monitor which is 4x more pixels than FHD. A wider screen with an aspect ratio such as 21:9 or 32:9 enables incredibly immersive gaming experiences as well as effective multitasking.
Finding the right resolution for you
A higher resolution means the screen can show more pixels at once for a sharper and more realistic image. A wider screen with an aspect ratio such as 21:9 or 32:9 enables incredibly immersive gaming experiences as well as effective multitasking.
Bringing clarity to your work
A higher resolution means the screen can show more pixels for a sharper and more realistic image. High resolution monitors also provide more screen space to view more content with less scrolling.
Bringing clarity to your work
A higher resolution means the screen can show more pixels for a sharper and more realistic image. High resolution monitors also provide more screen space to view more content with less scrolling, or use multiple apps and programs at once.
Finding the right resolution for you
Ultra High Definition (UHD) screens have 4x the pixels of Full HD to deliver realistic images and detail. Wider formats maximize screen real estate and remove the hassle of dual screen setups, with multiple apps and programs available on one screen.
Making every detail come to life
A higher resolution means the screen can show more pixels for a sharper and more realistic image. Content is delivered with enhanced depth in every detail for perfect clarity, while a wider screen such as 21:9 or 32:9 aspect ratio provides an immersive visual experience for any movie or show.
Bringing scenes to vivid life
Get the most out of your favorite movies and TV shows with the right resolution. Ultra High Definition (UHD) screens have 4x the pixels of Full HD to deliver more realistic images and detail. Wider screens can provide a bigger more field of view, and let you multitask while still focusing on your content.
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