34" Odyssey OLED G8 G85SD 曲面電競顯示器 (175Hz)




  • ✔ 於 Shop App 購買可享獨家優惠價 HK$9,980

  • 📱 送Galaxy A35 5G 256GB (海軍藍)


  • (優惠期只至2月28日)

  • 💳 渣打信用卡:高達港幣$2,000 回贈 【條款及細則】

  • 👍 消費滿HK$2,000 即可享高達36個月免息分期

34" Odyssey OLED G8 G85SD 曲面電競顯示器 (175Hz)

HK$ 10,980.00

或 免息分期每月 HK$ 305.00 起*


屏幕寬闊而色彩鮮豔,呈現極致細膩 OLED 世界

OLED 支援 Ultra WQHD

透過 OLED 技術,你可享受更寬廣的色彩度和鮮豔逼真的圖像,使遊戲體驗提升至新境界。Ultra WQHD(3440 x 1440)解像度屏幕上的視覺效果更為栩栩如生,呈現出無與倫比的清晰度和精確度。

There is a misty jungle surrounded by trees, and behind is lighting that makes things brighter and clearer. And above it, the resolution of the monitor is indicated - 'Ultra WQHD (3440x1440)'. There is a misty jungle surrounded by trees, and behind is lighting that makes things brighter and clearer. And above it, the resolution of the monitor is indicated - 'Ultra WQHD (3440x1440)'.


OLED 防反光

防反光技術可顯著減少來自外部光源的反光,因此 OLED 屏幕可毫無干擾地呈現出完美的黑色和繽紛色彩體驗。與傳統的抗反射膜相比,屏幕的光澤度降低了 54%,你可看到完整的遊戲環境,讓敵人無處可藏。

A monitor sits on a desk in a bright room, with a mouse, keyboard, and game controller on the desk. The monitor shows a scene from the game Black Desert, split in half. The right side of the monitor, labeled "OLED Glare Free" is more clear with less reflection than the left side, labeled, "Glossy Display."A badge in the bottom right corner shares glare-free specifications, reading "OLED Glare Free: Reflection Glare UGR <10. Discomfort Glare UGR<22. Disability Glare UGR <34. UL, VERIFIED, verify.UL.com, V647799" A monitor sits on a desk in a bright room, with a mouse, keyboard, and game controller on the desk. The monitor shows a scene from the game Black Desert, split in half. The right side of the monitor, labeled "OLED Glare Free" is more clear with less reflection than the left side, labeled, "Glossy Display."A badge in the bottom right corner shares glare-free specifications, reading "OLED Glare Free: Reflection Glare UGR <10. Discomfort Glare UGR<22. Disability Glare UGR <34. UL, VERIFIED, verify.UL.com, V647799"

* 基於內部測試結果。


0.03ms(GtG) 反應時間和 175Hz 刷新率

比其他人更快地閃避、反擊和作戰。OLED 技術以極快的 0.03ms(GtG) 的反應時間和 175Hz 刷新率,締造出近乎即時的反應時間,讓你操作超流暢,減少延遲,帶來刺激暢快的遊戲體驗。

On the monitor screen,  a car races out of a monitor, away from a futuristic city. On the monitor screen,  a car races out of a monitor, away from a futuristic city.

* 基於內部測試條件下測得的 GtG。結果可能因內容和顯示器設置而異。 * GtG(灰度到灰度)測量顯示器像素從一個灰度值變化到另一個灰度值所需的時間。 * 刷新率和反應時間可能因輸入源的性能而異。

OLED 亮度更寬廣

A monitor screen is divided into two sections with an universal content on its screen. The left side of the screen is pixelated, with a circle zooming into a further pixelated section labeled "70 PPI." The right side of the screen is clearly rendered, with a circle zoomed into a crisp section labeled "110 PPI." A monitor screen is divided into two sections with an universal content on its screen. The left side of the screen is pixelated, with a circle zooming into a further pixelated section labeled "70 PPI." The right side of the screen is clearly rendered, with a circle zoomed into a crisp section labeled "110 PPI."


21:9 比例及 110 PPI

即使屏幕更大,也不用犧牲細節。34" 21:9 超高清 WQHD 顯示屏,每吋像素密度為 110 ppi,確保你能以無與倫比的清晰度,看到每個微小但重要的細節。

* 屏幕圖像為模擬圖像,僅供參考。

Samsung OLED Safeguard

A scene from the game Black Desert is on the screen. Behind the screen are dots. Behind the dots is a thermal map, showing warmer colors where the bigger dots and brighter parts of the screen are. As the temperature rises, the brightness automatically decreases, which is also displayed as icons. A scene from the game Black Desert is on the screen. Behind the screen are dots. Behind the dots is a thermal map, showing warmer colors where the bigger dots and brighter parts of the screen are. As the temperature rises, the brightness automatically decreases, which is also displayed as icons.




* 當「調整標誌亮度」設定為「關閉 」或「低」時,熱調節僅在預設圖像模式下有效。 * 當「調整徽標亮度」設定為「高」時,熱調節始終處於激活狀態。


A screen shows a man riding a futuristic motorcycle and it is divided into two sections. The left section, labled "FreeSync OFF" shows the screen stuttering. The right side, labled "AMD FreeSync Premium Pro ON" is clear. A screen shows a man riding a futuristic motorcycle and it is divided into two sections. The left section, labled "FreeSync OFF" shows the screen stuttering. The right side, labled "AMD FreeSync Premium Pro ON" is clear.


支援 G-Sync

支援 G-Sync 可讓 GPU 和面板保持同步,從而消除不穩定、螢幕延遲和圖像撕裂。 AMD FreeSync Premium Pro 可穩定而無間頓地投射出快速動作和複雜的遊戲場景,令你遊戲時的優勢大為提升。

* 圖片為模擬影像,僅供參考。 * 包裝和產品上的 G-Sync 標誌的應用可能會因購買時間而異。


The Media Home UI is are shown. Then it transits to a video. In the Samsung Conventional Monitor case, the whole sound changes according to the noise level. But with Active Voice Amplifier Pro, only Dialogue can be larger than the noise level separately from Ambient Sound and BGM. The Media Home UI is are shown. Then it transits to a video. In the Samsung Conventional Monitor case, the whole sound changes according to the noise level. But with Active Voice Amplifier Pro, only Dialogue can be larger than the noise level separately from Ambient Sound and BGM.


具備主動式抗噪聲效 Pro 的智能電視應用程式

智能電視應用程式提供一系列人氣節目和免費直播內容,讓你從遊戲世界中作短暫抽離。主動式抗噪聲效Pro 採用 AI 技術來提升語音效果,讓你更輕鬆地聆聽內容中的對話,絕不會錯過任何一字一句。

* 功能、服務和應用程式可用性可能因國家和地區而異。 * Samsung TV Plus 和通用指南在部分地區可能無法使用。 * 部分功能可能需要另行訂閱。 * 使用者介面如有更改,恕不另行通知。 * Smart Monitor 不包含電視調諧器,這對於串流媒體應用程式來說不是必需的。 * 需要網絡連線。 * 遙控器規格因國家和地區而異。 * 鍵盤和滑鼠控制相容性因應用程式而異。 * 存取全套智慧功能,例如基於網絡的服務、應用程式(包括遊戲和串流媒體服務)和智慧家庭功能,需要Samsung 帳戶。如果不登入,功能僅限於外部設備,例如透過 HDMI。你可以在 https://account.samsung.com 上註冊免費的Samsung 帳戶‡ 受條款及細則約束。


The curved Odyssey monitor is shown with a tablet, keyboard, controller, and laptop. Text explains the input connection options: HDMI 2.1, DP, USB-A(Downstream) and USB-B(Upstream) with each icon on the side. The curved Odyssey monitor is shown with a tablet, keyboard, controller, and laptop. Text explains the input connection options: HDMI 2.1, DP, USB-A(Downstream) and USB-B(Upstream) with each icon on the side.



透過 HDMI 2.1、DisplayPort、USB-A 下行埠和 USB-B 上行埠連接各種輸入選項。你可流暢無縫地連接你常用的裝置,減少凌亂線材,提升遊戲體驗。


  • 屏幕弧度


  • 屏幕比例


  • 亮度 (典型)

    250 cd/㎡

  • 對比度 (靜態)

    1,000,000:1 (Typ.)

  • 解像度

    UWQHD (3,440 x 1,440)

  • 反應時間


  • 視角 (水平/垂直)


  • 畫面更新率

    Max 175Hz

  • 屏幕尺寸 (Class)


  • 平面 / 曲面


  • 有效顯示面積 (水平 x 垂直) (mm)

    800.1(H) x 337.1(V)

  • 屏幕弧度


  • 屏幕比例


  • 面板類型


  • Burn-In (燒烘) 保固

    如正常使用時的出現的燒印將在保用範圍內。 (但不包括商業使用、濫用或誤用顯示器)

  • 亮度 (典型)

    250 cd/㎡

  • 亮度 (最少)

    200 cd/㎡

  • 對比度 (靜態)

    1,000,000:1 (Typ.)

  • HDR(High Dynamic Range)


  • HDR10+

    HDR10+ Gaming

  • 解像度

    UWQHD (3,440 x 1,440)

  • 反應時間


  • 視角 (水平/垂直)


  • 色彩支援

    Max 1B

  • 色域 (DCI 覆蓋範圍)


  • 畫面更新率

    Max 175Hz

  • 眼睛保護模式

  • 無閃爍

  • 量子點色彩技術

  • 影像大小

  • Windows 認證


  • FreeSync

    FreeSync Premium Pro

  • Off Timer Plus

  • 虛擬 AIM Point

  • Core Sync

  • Game Bar 2.0


  • 自動信號源切換

    Auto Source Switch+

  • Adaptive 影像

  • 智能系統


  • 操作系統


  • Bixby

  • Far-Field 語音互動

  • SmartThings 中心

  • Multi Device Experience

    Mobile to Screen, Screen initiate mirroring, Sound Mirroring, Wireless On, Tap View

  • 我的內容

  • Multi View

    upto 2 videos

  • Smart Calibration


  • 遠程訪問

  • 無線顯示

  • DisplayPort

    1 EA

  • Display Port Version


  • HDMI

    2 EA

  • HDMI Version


  • USB Ports


  • USB Hub Version


  • 內置無線網絡

    有 (WiFi5)

  • 藍牙

    有 (5.2)

  • 揚聲器

  • 揚聲器輸出


  • Adaptive Sound

    Adaptive Sound Pro

  • 溫度 (℃)

    10~40 ℃

  • 濕度 (%)


  • 原廠調校

  • 原廠校正報告

  • 正面顏色


  • 背面顏色


  • 底座顏色


  • 底座/架


  • HAS (可調校高低機座)

    120.0 ±5.0

  • 傾斜搖動

    -2.0° (±2.0°) ~ +20.0° (±2.0°)

  • 軸轉

    -3.0° (±2.0°) ~ +3.0° (±2.0°)

  • 掛牆架

    100 x 100

  • 電源供應器

    AC100~240V ~50/60Hz

  • 耗電量 (最大)

    180 W

  • 類型

    External Adaptor

  • 機身尺寸 (連機座, 闊 x 高 x 深) (mm)

    813.6 x 522.3 x 192.8 mm

  • 機身尺寸 (不連機座架, 闊 x 高 x 深) (mm)

    813.6 x 363.5 x 128.1 mm

  • 包裝尺寸 (闊 x 高 x 深) (mm)

    948 x 185 x 456 mm

  • 機身連座檯架 (公斤)

    7.5 kg

  • 機身不連座檯架 (公斤)

    5.5 kg

  • 包裝重量 (公斤)

    11.8 kg

  • 電源線長度

    1.5 m

  • HDMI 連接線

  • DP 連接線

  • USB 3.0 線

  • 遙控器

  • 無 UL 眩光


Product Guide

版本 2410110 | 1.62 MB



User Manual

版本 2404250 | 2.48 MB






充分利用 Samsung 裝置和服務。



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- 產品圖片僅供參考,一切以實物為準。如有任何爭議,三星電子香港有限公司保留最終之決定權。

- 所有名稱及註冊商標可能是各相關公司所擁有。