Lifestyle TV



Lifestyle TV 應用影片

Lifestyle TV

The Frame Art Store

A woman is looking at various art frames. A woman is looking at various art frames.
Lifestyle TV

The Frame 自訂邊框

The Frame TV hangs on the wall, displaying a work of art. The Frame TV hangs on the wall, displaying a work of art.
Lifestyle TV

The Frame 霧面屏幕

The Girl With the Pearl Earring painting is shown on The Frame TV with a matte display. The Girl With the Pearl Earring painting is shown on The Frame TV with a matte display.

哪款 Lifestyle TV 適合你?

  • 獨特設計

  • 屏幕尺吋

  • 機身色彩

  • 個人藝術畫廊
  • 75" / 65" / 55" / 50" / 43" / 32"
  • 黑色
  • 360全方位設計美學
  • 43"
  • 白色
  • 旋轉屏幕
  • 43"
  • 藍色 /白色

* 詳細產品資訊在每個產品信息頁面。

The Frame


電視外型看起來仿似一個纖薄畫框,你可在Art Store 欣賞超過 1,600 幅世界知名的畫作,並透過全新的啞光顯示器細緻品味。

The Frame is displaying a famous artwork on its screen. The Frame's Top 4 Features including Matte Display, Modern Frame Design, Customizable Frame, Art Mode are on display. A woman is sitting on a sofa enjoying a famous artwork displayed on The Frame. The Frame is displaying a famous artwork on its screen. The Frame's Top 4 Features including Matte Display, Modern Frame Design, Customizable Frame, Art Mode are on display. A woman is sitting on a sofa enjoying a famous artwork displayed on The Frame.

The Serif


The Serif 標誌性的「I」型外觀,從不同角度看起來都極具魅力,因此不論有沒有裝上可拆式支架,放在家中任何地方都格外亮眼。透過 QLED 和啞光屏幕技術,讓你能以 4K 解像度觀賞你所愛看的內容,而不受眩光所影響。

The Serif which is placed on a stand is on display. The Serif's Top 4 Features including 360 All round design, Matte Display, Detachable Stand, QLED Technology are on display. The Serif which is placed on a stand is on display. The Serif's Top 4 Features including 360 All round design, Matte Display, Detachable Stand, QLED Technology are on display.

The Sero


The Sero 可從水平模式旋轉至縱向模式,因此非常適合在大屏幕上觀看你的流動裝置內容。 QLED 技術及啞光顯示屏技術,讓你可在眩光大幅減少的情況下觀賞流動內容,並盡享 The Sero 強大的 4.1 聲道 60 瓦揚聲器。

* 實際產品或與圖片顯示有所差異。請瀏覽產品圖庫。