Two S Pens and three folded different shaped Galaxy Book Flex2 are placed on white stairs. Two S Pens and three folded different shaped Galaxy Book Flex2 are placed on white stairs.





An incredibly vivid picture is showing on QLED display and it's background. Also VDE-Certified logo is showing. An incredibly vivid picture is showing on QLED display and it's background. Also VDE-Certified logo is showing.

*QLED經德國的VDE認證,屏幕達到 DCI-P3標準下的100%色域空間。


第11代Intel®Core™處理器配備Ai技術支援,提供強大性能。Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics帶來出色表現,讓你可盡顯創意。適合對系統要求高的程式,實現無縫串流影片及運用相片編輯軟件。

Samsung Galaxy Book Flex2 provides great performance featuring Intel Evo and Intel Iris Xe graphics. Samsung Galaxy Book Flex2 provides great performance featuring Intel Evo and Intel Iris Xe graphics.

* CPU/圖像規格視乎型號而定。


以鋁合金精心巧製,打造更堅固、耐用、防痕防污的裝置。配以Galaxy Book Flex2的流麗線條、簡潔外表及寬闊如鑽石切割的剪裁,讓你的手提電腦體驗更添優雅。

An opened Galaxy Book Flex2 placed on a table and it shows its super-solid Thin design and polished clear surfaces. An opened Galaxy Book Flex2 placed on a table and it shows its super-solid Thin design and polished clear surfaces.

S Pen Air Action手勢操控

透過配備藍牙,外加識別手勢的S Pen遙距控制,你可自一段距離操控手提電腦。自幾米以外,進行簡報,結束、暫停及播放影片或更多。



2 people are watching presentation file on Galaxy Book Flex2's screen and one of them is pointing a part of it with S Pen. 2 people are watching presentation file on Galaxy Book Flex2's screen and one of them is pointing a part of it with S Pen.



A woman is controlling remote function with S Pen while watching cook recipe video on Galaxy Book Flex2's screen. A woman is controlling remote function with S Pen while watching cook recipe video on Galaxy Book Flex2's screen.


以PENUP應用程式,盡情釋放真我。使用隨附的S Pen盡情投入滿心愉快的速寫,加添生動色彩並與家人朋友分享。

A woman uses S Pen to color in a drawing of tropical objects like flowers and a bird on PENUP app. A woman uses S Pen to color in a drawing of tropical objects like flowers and a bird on PENUP app.


在電腦上的筆記,將自動保存,讓你輕鬆在其他裝置上同步和存取。Samsung Notes在你的電腦、平板和手機備有相同功能,並配有優化的使用界面。

Galaxy Book Flex2, a tablet, and a mobile phone placed side-by-side, to show Samsung Notes app's wireless data sync. Galaxy Book Flex2, a tablet, and a mobile phone placed side-by-side, to show Samsung Notes app's wireless data sync.

**使用前需先在電腦上安裝Samsung Notes。


一點,屏幕截圖和錄影。你亦可直接以S Pen書寫和特出重點,並選取一個屏幕,無縫錄下鏡頭和電腦顯示的畫面。當你完成錄影,可直接在Studio Plus上輕鬆編輯你錄下的一切。

A screen Including handwriting added lecture materials and webcam preview of Screen Recorder on Galaxy Book Flex2 is shown. A screen Including handwriting added lecture materials and webcam preview of Screen Recorder on Galaxy Book Flex2 is shown.



Wirelessly connected Galaxy Book Flex2 and mobile phone are placed, and some mobile screenshots are displayed on laptop. Wirelessly connected Galaxy Book Flex2 and mobile phone are placed, and some mobile screenshots are displayed on laptop.

*用戶必須透過手機上的「連結至Windows」與電腦上的「你的手機」應用程式,將Galaxy裝置連接到 Windows平板,並依照設定提示,包括登入相同的Microsoft帳戶。需先行在指定的Galaxy裝置上預載「連結至Windows」。需配備最新Windows 10 Update的電腦,才可安裝「你的手機」。需啟動Galaxy裝置,並與電腦連接到同一Wi-Fi網絡。


配備高性能Intel無線硬件,釋放Wi-Fi 6快如閃電的速度。透過超快速度和穩定連接,你可以高效網絡,多重串流一系列高畫質影片。

An opened Galaxy Book Flex 2's onscreen is showing a video playlist. An opened Galaxy Book Flex 2's onscreen is showing a video playlist.


你的手機電量不足,而且手中沒有充電器或充電線? 別擔心!現在你可透過手提電腦為手機無線充電,只需按Fn + F11鍵即可充電。

A mobile phone placing on the center of Galaxy Book Flex2's trackpad and charging notification appears on the phone's screen. A mobile phone placing on the center of Galaxy Book Flex2's trackpad and charging notification appears on the phone's screen.

*只適用於三星或其他品牌備有WPC Qi無線充電功能的智能手機,例如Galaxy Note20、Note20 Ultra、Note10、Note10+、Z Fold2、Z Flip、Fold、S21、S21+、S21 Ultra、S20、S20+、S20 Ultra、S20 FE、S10e、S10、S10+、S9、S9+、S8、S8+、S8 Active、S7、S7 edge、S7 Active、S6、S6 edge、S6 Active、S6 edge+、Note9、Note8、Note FE、Note5及其他穿戴式裝置例如Galaxy Watch Active2、Galaxy Watch3、Watch Active、Gear Sport、Gear S3、Galaxy Watch、Galaxy Buds Pro、Buds Live、Buds+及Buds。如果電量低於30%,無線分享電量功能可能無法正常運作。某些配件、外殻或其他品牌的裝備或未必適用。


登入,只需一觸!裝置以內建而安全的偵測器,讀取你指紋。 透過由Window Hello建構的系統,你可快捷、簡易、安全地登入電腦。

A fingerprint graphic and fingerprint identification keyboard shows Galaxy Book Flex2's fingerprint log in function. A fingerprint graphic and fingerprint identification keyboard shows Galaxy Book Flex2's fingerprint log in function.



An image of day turning into night onscreen, implying 20 hours of usage time and 30 min fast charge/8.4 hours of usage time. An image of day turning into night onscreen, implying 20 hours of usage time and 30 min fast charge/8.4 hours of usage time.



Thunderbolt 4連接口帶來比USB 3.0快達八倍傳輸速度的連接效能。UFS卡的讀寫速度比傳統microSD卡快達五倍,因此你可更快地儲存和傳輸檔案。此型號可同時兼容UFS卡和microSD卡。

Galaxy Book Flex2's two Thunderbolt 4 ports, a UFS port, a headphone port, and USB-C port on its two sides are shown. Galaxy Book Flex2's two Thunderbolt 4 ports, a UFS port, a headphone port, and USB-C port on its two sides are shown.



Smart Amp技術可偵測喇叭振距及溫度,讓你可盡調音量至一般手提電腦的178%,同時不會出現音頻失真。以AKG音響專家精心調音的立體聲揚聲器,享受更清晰音效。

Galaxy Book Flex2 shows a scene of live concert on screen. And soundwaves around the laptop emphasizing the speaker. Galaxy Book Flex2 shows a scene of live concert on screen. And soundwaves around the laptop emphasizing the speaker.



Galaxy Book Flex2 showing the default category screen of Live Wallpaper.  And high-quality images are showing behind them. Galaxy Book Flex2 showing the default category screen of Live Wallpaper.  And high-quality images are showing behind them.
  • *Samsung錄音筆記僅適用於PDF及 Microsoft PowerPoint。
  • *需在智能手機和電腦上,以同一三星帳戶登入Samsung Gallery應用程式,方可使用Samsung Gallery。
    **Samsung gallery僅適用於配備Android OS 7.0或更後版本,並配備1.5 GB RAM的三星智能手機。


  • Windows 10 家用版 (Samsung 推薦商務用 Windows 11 專業版。)

  • Intel® Core™ i7-1160G7 處理器 (2.1 GHz 高達 4.4 GHz, 12 MB L3 Cache)

  • Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics

  • 13.3" FHD QLED 觸控顯示屏 (1920 x 1080)

  • 16 GB LPDDR4x 記憶體 (On BD 16 GB)

  • 512 GB NVMe 防震固態硬盤
    防震固態硬盤數目 : 1

  • 霧光黑

  • AKG雙聲道揚聲器( Max 5 W x 2 )
    Smart Amp
    720p HD 相機鏡頭

  • 藍牙 v5.1
    Wi-Fi 6 (Gig+), 802.11 ax 2x2

  • 2 Thunderbolt™ 4
    1 USB-C®
    UFS & MicroSD 組合
    1 耳機輸出/麥克風組合介面

  • 島型鍵盤
    S Pen

  • TPM, 指紋感應器

  • 69.7 Wh (Typical)
    65 W USB-C® Adapter

  • 302.6 x 202.9 x 12.9 mm (11.91" x 7.99" x 0.51")

  • 1.16 kg (2.56 lbs)

  • Link Sharing
    Live Message
    Live Wallpaper
    McAfee Live Safe (Trial)
    Screen Recorder
    Samsung Gallery
    Quick Search
    Samsung DeX
    Samsung Flow
    Samsung Notes
    Samsung Recovery
    Samsung Settings
    Studio Plus
    Samsung Update
    ※ 軟體的更改恕不另行通知。

  • Ambient Light Sensor
    Accelerometer Sensor
    Gyro Sensor

  • *實際USB傳輸速度有機會因應用戶使用環境而有所不同。
    * 實際重量及高度可能因製造過程而略有不同。
    *電池容量的典型數值是由第三方實驗室進行測試所得。典型數值仍根據IEC 61960標準,測試多個電池樣本並考慮到不同電池的容量偏差所作的估算平均值。額定容量(最低)為66.9 Wh。實際電池壽命視乎網絡環境、使用模式及其他因素而定。


User Manual(Windows 10)

版本 1.0 | 3.5 MB



User Manual(Windows 10)

版本 1.0 | 4.75 MB






充分利用 Samsung 裝置和服務。




* 所支援及可用的5G網絡制式會因應不同裝置而異。有關香港三星5G裝置可支援的5G網絡制式之詳情,請按此

+ 顏色只供參考;詳情請向店員查詢。

▲ 實際可用記憶體可因手機/平板電腦/相機/電腦出廠配置不同而異,出廠配置包括已預載之操作平台及應用程式


- 存儲容量代表: 製造商的存儲設備 (硬盤、固態硬盤) 容量假定按1KB=1000位元組計算。但是,操作系統 (Windows) 計算存儲設備容量時卻是假定1KB=1024位元組,因此,由於容量計算方法的不同,Windows中硬盤的容量顯示會小於實際的容量。例如,對於一個80GB的硬盤,Windows顯示的容量為74.5GB,80x1000x1000x1000位元組/(1024x1024x1024)位元組=74.505。另外,Windows中的容量顯示甚至可能會更小,因為一些程式 (例如三星快速恢復功能) 可能會預留在硬盤的隱藏區域中。 記憶體容量代表: Windows中顯示的內存容量小於實際的內存容量。因為BIOS或圖像處理器佔用了部分內存,或者預留內存供以後使用。例如,安裝1GB(=1,024MB)內存,Windows可能顯示為1,022MB或更小。

- 實際電池壽命會因應應用程式使用情況、設定、功能或所選工作、網絡配置、操作溫度及眾多其他因素而有所不同。

- Windows是Microsoft Corporation在美國和/或其他國家的註冊商標或商標,而所有其他公司和產品名稱可能是各相關公司所擁有之商標。

^ 不適用於香港地區出售之型號。

- 實際重量可能因製造過程而略有不同。

- Windows部分應用程式及內容須另行購買,其功能、內容與應用程式的供應情況和使用體驗會因應不同裝置和地區而異。