
How does 5G RAN improve energy efficiency?

May 11. 2023
  • Host, Director, Marketing,
Networks Business, Samsung Electronics America

    Kali Pickens

    Host, Director, Marketing, Networks Business, Samsung Electronics America

  • Host, Head of Marketing, Networks Business, Samsung Electronics America

    Derek Johnston

    Head of Marketing & 5G Business Development, Networks Business, Samsung Electronics America

Samsung’s Kali Pickens and Derek Johnston talk about what the telecommunications industry
and Samsung are doing to help reduce global power usage and carbon emissions.

5G is the first wireless technology designed to be energy efficient and sustainable with an industry target of 90% improvement in spectral efficiency compared to 4G. This improvement, in large part, also requires energy efficiency in the equipment. Operators and vendors have devised several features to accomplish this goal including increasing spectrum bands supported in a single radio and Massive MIMO antenna capacity, beamforming, and an increasing the use of high-band frequencies.


Samsung works to ensure our product experience at every step contributes to a sustainable world with eco-conscious technology and innovation. Samsung is a pioneer in vRAN, being the first to bring vRAN to market with software driven network functions to make networks more flexible and reduce processing and transmit power. Samsung is also helping to address energy efficiency with Power Amplifiers equipped with a Bias Control, dynamic download MIMO transmit paths, and with its low power, energy saving system-on-a-chip (SoC).

With global mobile data traffic rates continuing to rise and applications requiring low-latency proliferating, networks will continue to densify, and the number of cell sites grow exponentially. Despite this, telecommunications industry is committed to finding ways to bring down the amount of power used and lowering our carbon footprint to run our networks. 


We are all excited to see the power saving techniques and features we’ve discussed today continue to advance around the globe.


Watch and listen to this Networks Tech Talk episode to learn more about how Samsung and the telecommunications industry are investing in energy saving innovations and technologies.

Don't Miss These Discussion Topics:

1:12 How is 5G different from previous wireless generations in regard to energy conservation?
1:50 What are operators and vendors doing to improve spectral efficiency?
3:31 What is being done to reduce the power needed at each cell site?
6:09 5G and sustainability impacts on other industries
8:00 Samsung’s power saving technologies


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