Add custom bezels to change the look of your Samsung The Frame TV

Last Update date : Jan 20. 2022
Add custom bezels to change the look of your Samsung Frame TV

You can purchase a customizable bezel and change the colour of your The Frame Smart TV to make it complement your home's decor. The bezels are available in beige, black, brown, white, and other colours, so it will match perfectly with any room. You will not need a handyman to install the bezels because they are magnetic and easily slide onto the TV.

Note: Information provided applies to Samsung The Frame TVs sold in Canada.

Attach and remove bezels

Note: When you buy The Frame, the bezel will be black. If you would like to customize your Smart TV, you can purchase the customizable bezel in a variety of colours from Samsung. When you are ready to change the bezels, it is incredibly easy.

1 Each bezel piece is labeled, so you will know where to attach them.
2 Line up each piece with the corresponding side of the Smart TV, and then slide them into place. It is usually easier to start with the bottom and top bezel pieces first, and then put on the sides.
Line up each piece with the corresponding side of the Smart TV, and then slide them into place. It is usually easier to start with the bottom and top bezel pieces first, and then put on the sides.
3 The bezel pieces are magnetic and will attach instantly. Each piece should be flush once attached.
4 To remove the bezel, gently hold one piece and slide it off of The Frame TV. Repeat this for all four bezel pieces.

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