How to personalize your Galaxy device with photos and videos as wallpapers

Last Update date : Mar 19. 2024
Video is being applied to the wallpaper on a Galaxy S22 Ultra

Transform the look of your Galaxy phone or tablet by showcasing cherished moments right on your Home or Lock screen. Whether it's a heartwarming photo or a lively video, your device allows you to bring your favorite memories to the forefront, making every glance at your phone a special one. In this guide, we'll walk you through the simple steps to personalize your device with the magic of photos and videos.

Note: Information provided applies to devices sold in Canada. Available screens and settings may vary for smartphones sold in other countries. Per Google's policy, account users under the age of 13 are restricted from using Generative Wallpaper on the Galaxy S24 series. The age restriction may vary by country and is subject to change dependent upon Google policy updates.

Elevate your Home screen by choosing a vibrant picture or a memorable moment from your gallery. Setting a personalized wallpaper is a quick and easy way to make your device truly yours.

1 Touch and hold a Home screen, and then tap Wallpaper and style.
2 Tap Change wallpapers to see the available options, such as Featured, Gallery, and Colours.
Change wallpapers option selected on a Galaxy phone
3 Tap Gallery to select one of your pictures or videos.
4 Find and select your desired picture, and then tap Done.
5 You’ll be prompted to select Lock screen or Home screen for the new wallpaper. You can select both if desired. Then, tap Next.
6 Touch and drag your picture around to situate it. You can also use your fingers to zoom in and out.
7 Tap Filter at the bottom to add a filter to your picture, and then swipe through the available options until you find one that you like. Your picture will be cropped to fit the screen, so it's best if you don't crop the picture beforehand.

Note: On a Galaxy S24, you'll instead have the option to tap Frame or Effect. Swipe through the options until you find ones you like.

8 When you’re satisfied with your new wallpaper, tap Done in the top right corner. Your wallpaper will be applied to your Home screen.

Bring your Home screen to life by setting a dynamic video as your wallpaper. It's a fun way to relive your favorite moments every time you unlock your phone.

1 Touch and hold a Home screen, and then tap Wallpaper and style.
2 Tap Change wallpapers, and then tap Gallery.
3 Find and select a video, and then tap Done.
4 To edit your video, tap Trim at the bottom.
Edit video wallpaper on Galaxy phone
5 Use the sliders to adjust the video’s length. Tap Play to view it.
6 When you’re finished, tap Done.
7 Tap Done in the top right corner to set the video as your Home screen wallpaper.

Note: You will need to have a Lock screen set up to use this feature.

Refresh the look of your Galaxy device by customizing the Lock screen with a photo or video that speaks to you. It’s an easy way to add a personal touch to your device.

1 Start by touching and holding your Lock screen.

Note: You will also need to enter your security credentials if you have chosen any option but Swipe for the screen lock type.

2 Tap Wallpapers in the top left corner.
Edit Wallpapers on a Galaxy S22 Ultra
3 Tap Gallery, and then navigate to and select your desired picture.
4 Tap Done to see the preview of your wallpaper.
5 Touch and drag your picture around to situate it. You can also use your fingers to zoom in and out.
6 Tap Filter at the bottom to add a filter to your wallpaper, and then swipe through the available options until you find one that you like. Your picture will be cropped to fit the screen, so it's best if you don't crop the picture beforehand.

Note: On a Galaxy S24, you'll instead have the option to tap Frame or Effect. Swipe through the options until you find ones you like.

7 If you change your mind, just tap Wallpapers in the top left corner, and then select a different picture.
8 When you’re satisfied with your new wallpaper, tap Done in the top right corner. Your wallpaper will be applied to your Lock screen.

Why settle for static when you can have motion? Setting a video as your Lock screen wallpaper is a unique way to make your device stand out.

1 Start by touching and holding your Lock screen.

Note: You will also need to enter your security credentials if you have chosen any option but Swipe for the screen lock type.

2 Tap Wallpapers in the top left corner.
3 Tap Gallery, and then navigate to and select your desired video.
4 Tap Done to see the preview of your wallpaper.
5 To edit your video, tap Trim at the bottom.
6 Use the sliders to adjust the video’s length, and then tap Play to view it. You can continue adjusting the video until it’s just right. Then, tap Done at the bottom.
Trim video to edit video wallpaper on Galaxy S22 Ultra
7 Tap Done in the top right corner to set the video as your Lock screen wallpaper.

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