Wash sneakers and tennis shoes in your Samsung washer

Last Update date : Sep 12. 2024
A pair of sneakers resting on top of a Samsung washer in a bright room.

While your Samsung washing machine is equipped to handle the cleaning of tennis shoes and sneakers, taking certain precautions is essential to safeguard both your footwear and the appliance. Begin by examining the care label on your shoes to confirm they are suitable for machine washing. For optimal results, limit the load to a few pairs of shoes at a time and select a gentle wash cycle to prevent damage.

Note: While the advice in this guide is universally applicable, it has been tailored specifically for our Canadian customers.

Follow the steps below to effectively clean your tennis shoes or sneakers in your Samsung washing machine:

Note: To minimize excessive noise and vibration, consider adding a few towels or soft items to the cycle.

1 Preparation: Begin by removing the laces and inserts from the shoes to prevent tangling. It’s best to wash the laces separately if possible.
2 Protection: Place your shoes inside a mesh laundry bag or a pillowcase to safeguard the washing machine’s tub from potential damage.
Placing sneakers in a mesh laundry bag into a Samsung washing machine.

Note: Avoid overloading the machine; ideally, wash only one or two pairs at a time to ensure thorough cleaning.

3 Detergent: Use a small amount of mild detergent. Refrain from using bleach or any harsh chemicals which could damage the fabric of your shoes.
4 Washing settings: Select a gentle cycle such as Delicates or Hand Wash and use cold water to prevent any shrinkage or warping.
5 Drying: After washing, remove the shoes from the laundry bag and allow them to air dry. If you must use a dryer, opt for a low heat setting and place the shoes on a drying rack to maintain their shape.
6 Post-care: Once dry, reinsert the laces and inserts. Your shoes are now clean and ready for you to enjoy wearing them again!

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