What is the meaning of the error codes displayed on your Samsung range or wall oven

Last Update date : Oct 18. 2023
Samsung Range or Wall Oven - Error codes

Most information codes on a range can be cleared with a reset. However, if your induction range is displaying a Pan Detection code, or your Flex Duo range is displaying "-dE-" or "-dC-", you need to take additional steps.

Note: The provided information refers to ranges or wall ovens sold in Canada. The available settings and options may differ for appliances sold in other countries.

The underlined u error code represents the bottom of a pot above a surface, and indicates a Pan Detection Error.

Underlined u

If cookware is unsuitable because of its size, material, or placement on the element, an error code will appear and the pan will not heat. If the issue is not corrected, the element will turn off after 1 minute.

These error codes appear when the partition is not installed properly.

  • If the partition is in the oven, remove it and install it properly, making sure it is pushed in all the way. Each side of the partition should be in the third position from the top (on electric and dual fuel models) or fourth position from the top (on gas models).
  • If the partition is not in the oven, verify nothing is pressing against the partition switch in the back of the oven.

These error codes appear when the range is in demo mode. The oven and cooktop will not heat (gas cooktops will still ignite). See your user manual for the steps to turn off demo mode for your model.

Using the Power button, turn the range off and back on again. If the error returns, turn the circuit breaker off, wait 30 seconds, and then turn it back on.

If the error code returns again, please visit the Support Centre to request service.

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