Can I wash plastic bowls and plastic plates in my Samsung dishwasher?

When the time comes to clean the dishes, you won’t want to clean them so well that they cannot be used again. Certain plastic items, such as disposable plastic plates, bowls, and cutlery cannot be washed in your Samsung dishwasher because of the high water temperatures. You should avoid placing plastic items in your dishwasher, as they cannot withstand the heat and will end up melting and losing shape.

The good news is that heat resistant plastics can in fact be washed in your Samsung dishwasher. However, the following plastic items should NOT be placed in your dishwasher and can instead be washed by hand:
- Disposable plastic containers or dishware (such as plates, bowls, and cups)
- Plastic cutlery
- Plastic silverware
- Plastic crockery
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