Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec add poetic quality to mundane objects. They have been drawing extensive attention from the design industry’s biggest names such as Vitra, Hay, Kartell and more. Erwan Bouroullec discusses the aesthetic value of their design and how it is reflected in The Serif.
"The Serif has the ability to travel through time"

Borderless, above and beyond
It would be a gross underestimation to refer to the Bouroullecs as mere furniture designers, as their work spectrum moves above and beyond boundaries. The Bouroullecs always endeavor to focus on functionality, or intrinsic value within the object. As a result, The Serif, despite being a television, retains “beautiful language and subtle presence,” assuming its place in the world of modern design.

Effortless, blending into ambience
Like the Bouroullecs’ other pieces, The Serif effortlessly blends into its ambience. They gracefully substituted the black, blank screen of TV with the Ambient Mode, which resembles poetic actions like gazing out at endless fields or sentimentalizing over raindrops. The Ambient Mode is a “way to slightly mute the TV when it needs to disappear,” at last fulfilling one’s moment of retreat.

Seamless, connecting spaces
Due to the voluminous symmetry of the I-shape, The Serif doubles as a shelf, allowing people to further interact and experience. Hence, unlike other televisions that are spatially alienated, The Serif not only connects spaces but also forms an organic relationship with people. If interior were a collage, The Serif would be an integral piece that can be seamlessly collaged into any space and time frame.
“The Serif ’I’ shape has a very beautiful language that makes it sit naturally anywhere”

Location by Showroom Vitra France
5, rue Boudreau 75009 Paris
Timeless, of poetic touch
As time goes by, the future fades into the past. However, the pieces designed by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec are not worn by time, as their work defines the essence of ‘nowness.’ Designed to “travel through times,” The Serif is a tangible object imbued with a poetic touch that people will remember even after time passes.
Unique inspiration for your space
The Serif of the Bouroullecs completes your spatial poetry.
2020 The Serif