32" S7 S70D UHD ViewFinity Monitor


Odaberite boju

Boja : Bijela

Odaberite veličinu

32" S7 S70D UHD ViewFinity Monitor
Bijela 32"

Glavne karakteristike

The monitor is shown with a photo editing software on it, editing an image of colorful balls and blocks. A square inside outlines part of the image, with the text "FHD" on it, showing that FHD would only show part of the screen. The text "QHD" shows that QHD would only show part of the screen. And, the text "UHD" is in the bottom right of the monitor, showing the full size is UHD.


A screen lays on top of another screen, with a colorful abstract image seen across both screens. The smaller screen reads "SDR" and the larger screen reads "HDR10". The colors on the HDR10 screen are brighter.


The neck stand is inserted down to the bottom stand. And the neck stand turns to the monitor's rear side and it is finally attached to the rear of the monitor. “Easy Setup!’ message is shown. And the next of the monitor “No tools needed” icon included.

Stalak sa lakim postavljanjem


Proširite Vaše kreativno područje

A woman sits at a desk with a photo editing software on her screen. Above the monitor reads "Expand your creative realm." A woman sits at a desk with a photo editing software on her screen. Above the monitor reads "Expand your creative realm."

3 najvažnije karakteristike

An icon of UHD is shown

UHD Rezolucija

Rezolucija 3840 x 2160 daje kristalno čistu sliku

An icon of HDR10 is shown


HDR10 pruža originalne boje sa dubljim kontrastom

An icon of Easy Seup Stand is shown

Stalak sa lakim postavljanjem

Brza i jednostavna postavka

Otkrijte dublje detalje

UHD rezolucija

Vizuelna izvrsnost koju profesionalci zahtijevaju. UHD (3840 x 2160) rezolucija otkriva veći nivo detalja sa većom gustinom piksela. Profesionalci mogu zaroniti u više detalja u boji i više prostora na ekranu za izradu zamršenih dizajna, složenih dijagrama i dinamičnog video sadržaja sa uglađenijim tokom rada.1

The monitor is shown with a photo editing software on it, editing an image of colorful balls and blocks. A square inside outlines part of the image, with the text "FHD" on it, showing that FHD would only show part of the screen. The text "QHD" shows that QHD would only show part of the screen. And, the text "UHD" is in the bottom right of the monitor, showing the full size is UHD. The monitor is shown with a photo editing software on it, editing an image of colorful balls and blocks. A square inside outlines part of the image, with the text "FHD" on it, showing that FHD would only show part of the screen. The text "QHD" shows that QHD would only show part of the screen. And, the text "UHD" is in the bottom right of the monitor, showing the full size is UHD.

Poboljšan realizam kroz više boja

1,07 milijardi boja sa HDR10

Pogledajte širi raspon boja za zadivljujuću preciznost i detalje. HDR10 pruža gotovo neograničene nijanse i realističan prikaz boja, s tamnijim tamnim i svjetlijim svijetlim nijansama. Bilo koji sadržaj će postati užitak za gledanje, a može se doživjeti upravo onako kako je zamišljeno.2

A screen lays on top of another screen, with a colorful abstract image seen across both screens. The smaller screen reads "SDR" and the larger screen reads "HDR10". The colors on the HDR10 screen are brighter. A screen lays on top of another screen, with a colorful abstract image seen across both screens. The smaller screen reads "SDR" and the larger screen reads "HDR10". The colors on the HDR10 screen are brighter.

Povežite više uređaja

Višestruki portovi

Uz HDMI i DP, povezivanje Vaših perifernih uređaja je najjednostavnije. Ova zadivljujuća pogodnost pojednostavljuje Vaše podešavanje, ali i poboljšava Vašu produktivnost osiguravajući besprijekoran radni tok.

A laptop, monitor, keyboard, mouse and mobile phone are all connected on a desk by a wire. Above the monitor, there are 2 icons, which are HDMI and Display port A laptop, monitor, keyboard, mouse and mobile phone are all connected on a desk by a wire. Above the monitor, there are 2 icons, which are HDMI and Display port

Jednostavno i trenutno podešavanje

Stalak sa lakim postavljanjem

Stalak za jednostavno postavljanje bez napora stvara idealan radni prostor bez alata ili vijaka. Kada dođe vrijeme da promijenite stvari, jednostavno pritisnite gumb i uživajte u fleksibilnoj pogodnosti.

Za odmorne oči

TUV certifikat Intelligent Eye Care

Vaše oči su svježe i sa manje zamaranja. Automatska podešavanja osvijetljenosti i temperature boje olakšavaju rad u kasnim noćnim satima optimizirajući ih Vašem okruženju. TUV certifikat za inteligentnu zaštitu očiju je potvrda da Eye Saver režim kompanije Samsung smanjuje treperenje i štiti oči od suvišne plave svjetlosti.

The monitor onscreen brightness becomes adjusted following the exterior light's brightness. TUV Rheinland logo with Intelligent Eye Care certified is included on the right bottom of the monitor. The logo shows the site address, www.tuv.com The monitor onscreen brightness becomes adjusted following the exterior light's brightness. TUV Rheinland logo with Intelligent Eye Care certified is included on the right bottom of the monitor. The logo shows the site address, www.tuv.com

Odgovorna praksa

Promišljeno dizajniran

Monitori Samsung ViewFinity 2024* sadrže najmanje 14%** reciklirane plastike. Osim toga, ne koristimo hemijske sprejeve za plastiku monitora i koristimo ljepilo umjesto spajalica u spoju kutije za pakovanje, što omogućava njihovo recikliranje.3

A cycle is in the background, and a three-step process is shown above it. The first process is 'Sourcing & Production', which explains that the product is manufactured with some recycled materials. The second process relates to 'distribution' and describes 'simple packing for easy disassembly'. The last is about 'Using & Recycling' and mentions 'No use of chemical sprays on plastic furthers recycling efforts'. A cycle is in the background, and a three-step process is shown above it. The first process is 'Sourcing & Production', which explains that the product is manufactured with some recycled materials. The second process relates to 'distribution' and describes 'simple packing for easy disassembly'. The last is about 'Using & Recycling' and mentions 'No use of chemical sprays on plastic furthers recycling efforts'.


  • Format slike


  • Svjetlina (Standardno)

    350 cd/㎡

  • Statički omjer kontrasta


  • Rezolucija

    4K (3,840 x 2,160)

  • Vrijeme odziva


  • Ugao gledanja (V/O)


  • Brzina frejmova

    Max 60Hz

  • Veličina ekrana (Klasa)


  • Ravan / zakrivljen


  • Aktivna veličina ekrana (HxV) (mm)

    697.306 x 392.234mm

  • Format slike


  • Tip ploče


  • Svjetlina (Standardno)

    350 cd/㎡

  • Svjetlina (Minimalno)

    280 cd/㎡

  • Statički omjer kontrasta


  • Contrast Ratio (Dynamic)

    Mega ∞ DCR

  • HDR(High Dynamic Range)


  • Rezolucija

    4K (3,840 x 2,160)

  • Vrijeme odziva


  • Ugao gledanja (V/O)


  • Podrška boje

    Max 1.07B

  • sRGB pokrivenost

    99% (Typ)

  • Brzina frejmova

    Max 60Hz

  • Način rada Eye Saver


  • Mirna slika


  • Slika u slici


  • Picture-By-Picture


  • Veličina slike


  • Windows certifikacija


  • Vremenska sklopka za isključivanje plus


  • Automatska promjena izvora

    Auto Source Switch+

  • Prilagodljiva slika


  • Display Port ulaz

    1 EA

  • Verzija porta ekrana


  • HDCP Version (DP)


  • HDMI

    1 EA

  • HDMI verzija


  • HDCP Version (HDMI)


  • Slušalice


  • Temperatura

    10~40 ℃

  • Vlažnost

    10~80, bez kondenzacije

  • Tvorničke postavke


  • Boja sprijeda


  • Stražnja boja


  • Boja stalka


  • Vrsta postolja


  • Nagib


  • Ugradnja na zid

    100 x 100

  • Klasa energetske efikasnosti


  • Reciklirana plastika

    Preko 10 %

  • Napajanje

    AC 100~240V

  • Potrošnja struje (Maksimalno)

    100 W

  • Potrošnja energije (tip)

    31.0 W

  • Potrošnja energije (DMPS)

    0.50 W

  • Potrošnja energije (Način rada isključeno)

    0.30 W

  • Potrošnja energije (godišnja)

    45 kWh/year

  • Tip

    Unutrašnje napajanje

  • Zadana dimenzija sa stalkom (ŠxVxD)

    713.9 x 501.6 x 180 mm

  • Zadana dimenzija bez stalka (ŠxVxD)

    713.9 x 424.7 x 41.8 mm

  • Dimenzije paketa (ŠxVxD)

    798 x 160 x 546 mm

  • Težina proizvoda s postoljem

    5.9 kg

  • Težina seta bez postolja

    4.4 kg

  • Težina paketa

    8.0 kg

  • Dužina kabla za napajanje

    1.5 m

  • HDMI kablo


  • TCO Certifikat


Korisnički priručnici i preuzimanja

User Manual

Verzija 2411080 | 1.34 MB



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