27" Odyssey Gaming Monitor G50D


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27" Odyssey Gaming Monitor G50D
Crna 27"


Spektakularan ekran. Spektakularna igra.

An Odyssey monitor is shown standing on a surface with a person standing in front of a dragon with a spear in his hand in a fantasy world scene. An Odyssey monitor is shown standing on a surface with a person standing in front of a dragon with a spear in his hand in a fantasy world scene.

Realizam na jačim osnovama

QHD rezolucija & Fast IPS panel

Vaš svijet video igara sada je stvarniji nego ikada prije. Pružajući 1,7 puta veću gustoću piksela u odnosu na Full HD rezoluciju, QHD rezolucija može se pohvaliti nevjerovatno detaljnim i oštrim prikazom slike. Fast IPS panel pruža čiste boje, a širina ugla od 178º jasnoću iz svake tačke gledišta. Uz više piksela i veću dubinu igre nikad nisu bile tako realistične kao sada.

The monitor shows pixel density comparison between 1920x1080 pixel FHD high definition and 2560x1440 pixel QHD high definition by dividing the screen into two different regions. QHD high definition shows richer, more detailed ship and planetary surfaces. A text below the monitor communicates the specs: “QHD” The monitor shows pixel density comparison between 1920x1080 pixel FHD high definition and 2560x1440 pixel QHD high definition by dividing the screen into two different regions. QHD high definition shows richer, more detailed ship and planetary surfaces. A text below the monitor communicates the specs: “QHD”
* Slika služi kao ilustracija.

Skriveni detalji blistaju

VESA DisplayHDR 400

Otkrijte cijelu sliku. DisplayHDR 400 tehnologija daje više kontrasta uz tamnije nijanse crne i svjetlije nijanse bijele boje, otkrivajući sve tajne i neprijatelje koji vrebaju u sjenci. Čak i u tamnim scenama ovo omogućuje potpuno jasan prikaz svakog detalja.

* Slika služi kao ilustracija.
'The monitor is split into two to show the difference between normal color range for Samsung conventional monitor and high contrast with Odyssey G5 for details that are more vibrant and noticeable. 'The monitor is split into two to show the difference between normal color range for Samsung conventional monitor and high contrast with Odyssey G5 for details that are more vibrant and noticeable.

Reakcija u pravom momentu

Brzina osvježavanja 180 Hz i vrijeme odziva 1 ms (GtG)

Za odlučujuće trenutke. Stopa osvježenja od 180 Hz eliminira zaostajanje donoseći uzbudljivu igru i ultra-glatku akciju. Zaskočite protivnike čim ih ugledate ispred sebe uz vrijeme odziva od 1 ms (GtG) i za kadrove sa minimalnim zamućenjem.

An Odyssey monitor is shown standing on a surface with a spaceship flying away from a nighttime city scene, through a cave, and off the screen. A logo on the top right corner and a text below the monitor communicates the specs: “180Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time” An Odyssey monitor is shown standing on a surface with a spaceship flying away from a nighttime city scene, through a cave, and off the screen. A logo on the top right corner and a text below the monitor communicates the specs: “180Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time”
* „1ms“ znači jednu milisekundu što je raspon prosječnog vremena odziva između 1,00 ms i 1,99 ms skraćeno na cijeli broj.* Zasnovano na MPRT mjerenom u uslovima internog testiranja. Rezultati se mogu razlikovati ovisno o sadržaju i postavkama monitora (zahtijeva postavku „Ekstremni režim rada“).* GtG (Sivo na sivo) mjeri vrijeme potrebno da se piksel monitora promijeni iz jedne vrijednosti sive boje u drugu.

Ostanite sinhronizirani sa akcijom

AMD FreeSync

Superfluidan doživljaj zabave. AMD Radeon FreeSync™ tehnologija sinhronizira stopu osvježavanja Vašeg monitora i grafičke karte kako bi se smanjilo sjeckanje slike. Gledajte filmove i igrajte igre bez prekida. Čak i brze scene izgledaju besprijekorno i glatko.

* Slika služi kao ilustracija.
Two monitors side by side show the same spaceship. The left side is FreeSync Off while the right side is FreeSync On, demonstrating the impact of FreeSync in preventing screen tearing. Two monitors side by side show the same spaceship. The left side is FreeSync Off while the right side is FreeSync On, demonstrating the impact of FreeSync in preventing screen tearing.

Odmorne oči pobjeđuju više

Eye Saver režim rada i manje treperenja ekrana

Igrajte još duže. Eye Saver režim minimalizira plavo svjetlo kako bi pomogao Vašim očima da budu odmorne a igranje udobno kada igra traje duže. Odyssey G5 također smanjuje iritantno treperenje ekrana pa duže možete ostati fokusirani uz manje naprezanje očiju.

* Slika služi kao ilustracija.
The screen is divided into two parts with the left side showing the ships without Eye Saver Mode with screen flickering, with the copies "Eye Saver Mode OFF" and "Screen Flickering" below. The right side shows the ships with Eye Saver Mode and less screen flickering with the copies "Eye Saver Mode ON" and "Less Screen Flickering" below. The left side of the screen is difficult to see with lines running across, distorting the scenery. The right side with technology enabled is clear and smooth. A text behind the monitor is written “Eye Saver” The screen is divided into two parts with the left side showing the ships without Eye Saver Mode with screen flickering, with the copies "Eye Saver Mode OFF" and "Screen Flickering" below. The right side shows the ships with Eye Saver Mode and less screen flickering with the copies "Eye Saver Mode ON" and "Less Screen Flickering" below. The left side of the screen is difficult to see with lines running across, distorting the scenery. The right side with technology enabled is clear and smooth. A text behind the monitor is written “Eye Saver”

Gejming po Vašoj mjeri

Ergonomski Stalak

Dostignite visine pobjednika. Rotirajte, naginjite i podešavajte Vaš monitor sve dok ne dobijete savršen pogled na neprijatelje. Vaš ekran se može pomjerati neometano dok ne postignete savršenu udobnost igranja igara.

Two monitors show off the front and back designs of the G5. The monitor on the left shows the backside of the monitor featuring a stand that can adjust different heights. The monitor on the right has its screen pivoted fully vertical and on the screen shows robots standing on a deserted planet. Above the monitors shows a grid of ergonomic features from HAS(Height Adjustable Stand) and tilt capabilities to the swivel and 90º pivot flexibility. An Odyssey logo is added at the bottom of the monitor on the left. Two monitors show off the front and back designs of the G5. The monitor on the left shows the backside of the monitor featuring a stand that can adjust different heights. The monitor on the right has its screen pivoted fully vertical and on the screen shows robots standing on a deserted planet. Above the monitors shows a grid of ergonomic features from HAS(Height Adjustable Stand) and tilt capabilities to the swivel and 90º pivot flexibility. An Odyssey logo is added at the bottom of the monitor on the left.


  • Format slike


  • Svjetlina (Standardno)

    350 cd/㎡

  • Statički omjer kontrasta

    1000 : 1 (Typ.)

  • Rezolucija

    QHD (2,560 x 1,440)

  • Vrijeme odziva


  • Ugao gledanja (V/O)


  • Brzina frejmova

    Max 180Hz

  • Veličina ekrana (Klasa)


  • Ravan / zakrivljen


  • Aktivna veličina ekrana (HxV) (mm)


  • Format slike


  • Tip ploče


  • Svjetlina (Standardno)

    350 cd/㎡

  • Svjetlina (Minimalno)

    280 cd/㎡

  • Statički omjer kontrasta

    1000 : 1 (Typ.)

  • Contrast Ratio (Dynamic)

    Mega ∞ DCR

  • HDR(High Dynamic Range)

    VESA DisplayHDR 400

  • Rezolucija

    QHD (2,560 x 1,440)

  • Vrijeme odziva


  • Ugao gledanja (V/O)


  • Podrška boje

    Max 16.7M

  • sRGB pokrivenost


  • Brzina frejmova

    Max 180Hz

  • Način rada Eye Saver


  • Mirna slika


  • Veličina slike


  • Windows certifikacija

    Windows 11

  • FreeSync


  • G-Sync

    G-Sync kompatibilno

  • Vremenska sklopka za isključivanje plus


  • Black Equalizer


  • Virtuelna AIM tačka


  • Optimizator stope osvježavanja


  • Super Arena Gaming UX


  • Automatska promjena izvora

    Auto Source Switch+

  • Display Port ulaz

    1 EA

  • Verzija porta ekrana


  • HDCP Version (DP)


  • HDMI

    1 EA

  • HDMI verzija


  • HDCP Version (HDMI)


  • Slušalice


  • Temperatura

    10~40 ℃

  • Vlažnost

    10~80, bez kondenzacije

  • Boja sprijeda


  • Stražnja boja


  • Boja stalka


  • Vrsta postolja


  • HAS(Stalak podesive visine)

    120.0 ±5.0

  • Nagib

    -2.0º(± 2°) ~ 25.0º(± 2°)

  • Okretanje

    -30.0º(± 3°) ~ 30.0º(± 3°)

  • Zakretanje

    -92.0º(± 2°) ~ 92.0º(± 2°)

  • Ugradnja na zid

    100 x 100

  • Klasa energetske efikasnosti


  • Napajanje

    AC 100~240V

  • Potrošnja struje (Maksimalno)

    48 W

  • Potrošnja energije (tip)

    26.0 W

  • Potrošnja energije (DMPS)

    0.50 W

  • Potrošnja energije (Način rada isključeno)

    0.30 W

  • Potrošnja energije (godišnja)

    38 kWh/year

  • Tip

    Vanjski adapter

  • Zadana dimenzija sa stalkom (ŠxVxD)

    613 x 552 x 263.5 mm

  • Zadana dimenzija bez stalka (ŠxVxD)

    613 x 361.5 x 70 mm

  • Dimenzije paketa (ŠxVxD)

    695 x 159 x 478 mm

  • Težina proizvoda s postoljem

    6.4 kg

  • Težina seta bez postolja

    3.4 kg

  • Težina paketa

    8.3 kg

  • Dužina kabla za napajanje

    1.5 m

  • DP kablo


Korisnički priručnici i preuzimanja

User Manual

Verzija 2403260 | 2.3 MB



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