34" ViewFinity S65TC UWQHD monitor


  • Širi radni prostor u omjeru 21:9 i realističnim detaljima uz Ultra WQHD rezoluciju
  • Slušajte bilo koji sadržaj s lakoćom uz ugrađene zvučnike
  • Uređaji za napajanje sa punjenjem od 90W i prenosom podataka u isto vrijeme uz Thunderbolt™ 4 povezivanje

Odaberite veličinu

34" ViewFinity S65TC UWQHD monitor

  • There are a browser and photoshop tool on the monitor, and there are FHD, QHD, and UWQHD texts on them.
  • The SDR and HDR10 is being compared, and the image for HDR10 is more bright and vivid. Next the images, there is an icon that represents 1 Billion Colors.
  • A man is using a monitor and it is connected with a laptop and other various devices. There are also some icons which represent Thunderbolt 4, DP, HDMI, LAN Port, and USB SS 3.0 Hub.
    Thunderbolt™ 4

Proširite Vaše kreativno područje

There is a monitor and its top is closed up. And when it is zoomed out, the logo of the product, 'ViewFinity S6' is shown. There is a monitor and its top is closed up. And when it is zoomed out, the logo of the product, 'ViewFinity S6' is shown.

Ultraširoko uranjanje

Ultra-WQHD zakrivljenost od 1000R

Uronite u igre, filmove ili dizajnerske projekte. Ekran od 34" sa zakrivljenošću od 1000R okružuje Vas omjerom stranica 21:9. Zakrivljenost se usko poklapa sa ljudskim vidnim poljem, tako da možete maksimalno povećati veličinu ekrana i dostići nove nivoe produktivnosti uz manje naprezanje očiju.

There are a browser and photoshop tool on the monitor, and there are FHD, QHD, and UWQHD texts on them. There are a browser and photoshop tool on the monitor, and there are FHD, QHD, and UWQHD texts on them.

Poboljšan realizam kroz više boja

Milijardu boja sa HDR10

Pogledajte širi raspon boja za zadivljujuću preciznost i detalje. HDR10 pruža gotovo neograničene nijanse i realističan prikaz boja, s tamnijim tamnim i svjetlijim svijetlim nijansama. Bilo koji sadržaj će postati užitak za gledanje, a može se doživjeti upravo onako kako je zamišljeno.

The SDR and HDR10 is being compared, and the image for HDR10 is more bright and vivid. Next the images, there is an icon that represents 1 Billion Colors. The SDR and HDR10 is being compared, and the image for HDR10 is more bright and vivid. Next the images, there is an icon that represents 1 Billion Colors.

* Slika ekrana služi kao ilustracija.* HDR režim rada mora biti aktiviran putem postavki računara.

Povežite se da dobijete više

Thunderbolt™ 4 i više

Odbacite nered koji dolazi sa višestrukim portovima. Uređaji za napajanje sa 90W punjenjem i prenosom podataka u isto vrijeme uz Thunderbolt™ 4 povezivanje. HDMI, DisplayPort i USB3 Hub Vas održavaju povezanim sa Vašim uređajima, dok LAN port omogućava laptopima bez porta da se povežu sa monitorom za Ethernet upotrebu.

A man is using a monitor and it is connected with a laptop and other various devices. There are also some icons which represent Thunderbolt 4, DP, HDMI, LAN Port, and USB SS 3.0 Hub. A man is using a monitor and it is connected with a laptop and other various devices. There are also some icons which represent Thunderbolt 4, DP, HDMI, LAN Port, and USB SS 3.0 Hub.

Zvuk bez zauzimanja prostora

Ugrađen zvučnik

Radite, učite i zabavljajte se bez potrebe za dodatnim perifernim uređajima. Uz ugrađene zvučnike prostor na stolu postaje efikasno mjesto za rad na kome nema kablova potrebnih za povezivanje perifernih uređaja, a Vaš omiljeni sadržaj se sluša s nevjerovatnom lakoćom.

There is a content being edited on the monitor, and around the monitor, there are some circles that represent the built-in speakers of the monitor. There is a content being edited on the monitor, and around the monitor, there are some circles that represent the built-in speakers of the monitor.

Savladajte više izvora u harmoniji

KVM prekidač, PBP/PIP i Easy Setting Box

Uklonite probleme korištenja više uređaja. Ugrađeni KVM prekidač Vam omogućava da kontrolišete dva izvora na Vašem monitoru pomoću jedne tastature i miša. A na Vama je kako ćete sve vidjeti: podijeljeni ekran, Slika u slici ili Slika po slika. Podijelite ekran na različite načine pomoću softvera Easy Setting Box.

When the KVM Switch is activated, the source A reacts, and the left side of the screen is activated. And when the KVM Switch is activated again, the source changes from A to B, and the right side of the screen is activated. When the KVM Switch is activated, the source A reacts, and the left side of the screen is activated. And when the KVM Switch is activated again, the source changes from A to B, and the right side of the screen is activated.
  • * Stopa osvježenja od 100Hz nije dostupna u režimu rada Slika po slika.* Zahtijeva program Easy Setting Box na svakom računaru, dostupan za preuzimanje na samsung.com.

Podesiv prema Vašim potrebama

Ergonomski dizajn

Ostanite fokusirani i u udobnosti, čak i kada posao traje dugo. Postavite monitor tako da odgovara Vašoj ergonomiji, pomoću postolja podesivog po visini, zajedno sa funkcijama zakretanja i nagiba kako biste dobili svoj idealan ugao.

There is a monitor being tilted, and next to it, there's another monitor with is being swiveled. On the bottom of the two monitors, there's the other monitor that moves up and down. And it is with 'Height Adjustable Stand' message. There is a monitor being tilted, and next to it, there's another monitor with is being swiveled. On the bottom of the two monitors, there's the other monitor that moves up and down. And it is with 'Height Adjustable Stand' message.

Za odmorne oči

TUV certifikat Intelligent Eye Care

Vaše oči su svježe i sa manje zamaranja. Automatska podešavanja osvijetljenosti i temperature boje olakšavaju rad u kasnim noćnim satima optimizirajući ih Vašem okruženju. TUV certifikat za inteligentnu zaštitu očiju je potvrda da Eye Saver režim kompanije Samsung smanjuje treperenje i štiti oči od suvišne plave svjetlosti.

As the ambient changes, the brightness of the monitor screen is automatically adjusted. At the bottom of the monitor, there is the TUV certification logo(TUVRheinland® CERTI FIED Intelligent Eye Care www.tuv.com ID
0217008574). As the ambient changes, the brightness of the monitor screen is automatically adjusted. At the bottom of the monitor, there is the TUV certification logo(TUVRheinland® CERTI FIED Intelligent Eye Care www.tuv.com ID
As the ambient changes, the brightness of the monitor screen is automatically adjusted. At the bottom of the monitor, there is the TUV certification logo(TUVRheinland® CERTI FIED Intelligent Eye Care www.tuv.com ID
0217008574). As the ambient changes, the brightness of the monitor screen is automatically adjusted. At the bottom of the monitor, there is the TUV certification logo(TUVRheinland® CERTI FIED Intelligent Eye Care www.tuv.com ID
  • * Slika ekrana služi kao ilustracija.* Osvijetljenost ekrana se ne prilagođava kada je okolno osvjetljenje veće od 200 luksa.

Uglađeno igranje bez zastajanja

Stopa osvježenja od 100Hz i AMD FreeSync™

Stopa osvježenja od 100Hz i AMD FreeSync™ rade zajedno kako bi Vaš ekran bio glatki u Vašim omiljenim aplikacijama, uz manje zastajanja na ekranu i kidanja slike. Pogledajte više kako biste postigli najbolje rezultate.

There are two monitor screens. One is for 60Hz and the other is for 100Hz refresh rate. The 60Hz one's screen is stuttering whereas 100Hz screen shows smooth visual. Also there is FreeSync OFF text for the screen on the left screen and AMD FreeSync ON text on the right. There are two monitor screens. One is for 60Hz and the other is for 100Hz refresh rate. The 60Hz one's screen is stuttering whereas 100Hz screen shows smooth visual. Also there is FreeSync OFF text for the screen on the left screen and AMD FreeSync ON text on the right.

* Slika ekrana služi kao ilustracija.* Podrška za AMD FreeSync™ dostupna je samo kada je povezan preko HDMI ili DisplayPort-a.


  • Zakrivljenost ekrana 1000R
  • Format slike 21:9
  • Svjetlina (Standardno) 350 cd/㎡
  • Statički omjer kontrasta 3000:1(Tip.)
  • Rezolucija UWQHD (3,440 x 1,440)
  • Vrijeme odziva 5 ms


Pronađite odgovore na pitanje koje imate o proizvodu

Podrška za proizvod Prikaz više sadržaja
Korisnički priručnici i preuzimanja
  • User Manual
Prikaz više sadržaja

Česta pitanja

Uporedite modele

Uporedite sa sličnim predmetima

34" ViewFinity S65TC UWQHD monitor


  • 1000R

  • HDR10

  • Thunderbolt™ 4

  • Zakrivljenost ekrana


32" S6 S60UD QHD ViewFinity Monitor


  • QHD

  • Stalak sa lakim postavljanjem

  • Ergonomski dizajn

  • Rezolucija

    QHD (2,560 x 1,440)

34" ViewFinity S6 S65UC


  • Ultra WQHD

  • 100Hz refresh rate

  • Zakrivljenost ekrana


  • Format slike


27" 5K ViewFinity Smart Monitor S90PC


  • 5K

  • Matirani ekran

  • Thunderbolt™ 4

  • Ergonomic Design

34" ViewFinity S6 S65VC


  • Ultra WQHD

  • 100Hz refresh rate

  • Zakrivljenost ekrana


  • Format slike


32" S8 S80UD UHD Monitor


  • UHD

  • USB-C

  • Stalak sa lakim postavljanjem

  • Ergonomski Dizajn

