Cleaning the Lint Filter of a Samsung Top Load Washing Machine
Please Note: The information on this page is for Australian products only. Models, sequences, error codes or settings will vary depending on location and/or where the product had been purchased. To be redirected to your local support page please click here.
It is important to remember to keep your Top Load Washing Machine clean to prevent deteriorated performance and to preserve its life cycle. Please be advised that NOT every Top Load Washing Machine has a lint filter. To check for your specific model, please refer to your enclosed user manual, which can also be downloaded from our Manuals & Downloads page.
For other cleaning and maintenance guides, you can refer to our "Cleaning the Water Hose Mesh Filter", and "Cleaning the Detergent Drawer" pages. If you find your washer does not fill up or drain, click here.
Follow the guide below for how to clean the lint filter of your Samsung Top Load Washing Machine.
Note: If you need a replacement for your lint filter, please contact our technical experts on 1300 362 603, or visit your closest service centre.

Note: Location of the lint filter shown above. Please note that not every Top Load washer has a lint filter - refer to your user manual to check for your specific model.
- 01. Lint filter (front)
- 02. Lint filter (rear)
Step 1. Press down the upper area of the filter case to remove.

Step 2. Unlock the cover and clean the filter with running water and a brush.

Step 3. When cleaning is complete, close the cover and reinsert the filter case to the original position. You will hear a clicking sound when the filter case fits in. Make sure the filter case is dry before reinserting.

For further assistance, please contact our Chat Support or technical experts on 1300 362 603. To find your Samsung product's User Manual, head to Manuals & Downloads.
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