ECG Feature Restrictions on Samsung Health Monitor

Last Update date : Feb 19. 2024

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The Samsung Health Monitor app is designed to help you monitor your health in every way possible. However, there are certain cases in which its use is restricted.

View of a Samsung Watch with the ECG screen next to a restricted symbol.

Please follow the warnings and precautions listed below:

  • DO NOT use the ECG Monitor App if you have an implanted pacemaker, implanted cardiac defibrillator, or other implanted electronic devices.
  • The ECG app is not intended for users with known arrhythmias others than atrial fibrillation or users under 22 years old.
  • DO NOT take ECG measurements during any physical activity.
  • DO NOT take ECG measurements during a medical procedure (for example, surgery or external defibrillation procedures).
  • DO NOT take ECG measurements when the Galaxy watch is close to strong electromagnetic fields (for example, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-Ray equipment, electromagnetic anti-theft systems, and metal detectors).
  • Make sure that the fingers used to record the ECG is uncovered and free of any bruises, scars, or cuts.
  • Certain physiological conditions can prevent some people from having a strong enough signal for the ECG App to detect and analyse.

Please keep in mind that while the Samsung Health Monitor is approved as a medical app, it CANNOT be used for a diagnosis of any kind. If your ECG results from the Samsung Health Monitor app show something unusual like atrial fibrillation, abnormal rhythms, inconclusive results, etc. please consult your doctor as soon as possible.

 It is also normal for the ECG waveform to change depending on the situation. However, if you feel any physical abnormality, consult your doctor. 

For further assistance, please contact our Chat Support or technical experts on 1300 362 603. To find your Samsung product's User Manual, head to Manuals & Downloads.

Thank you for your feedback!