Create a Recovery Phrase Backup on the Samsung blockchain Keystore

Last Update date : Jan 31. 2024

 Please Note: The information on this page is for Australian products only. Models, sequences or settings will vary depending on location and/or where the product had been purchased. To be redirected to your local support page please click here.

Creating a backup copy of our data is always important. It’s necessary to make a way to recover your data in case you change devices, or if they are lost or stolen. It is especially important for you to back up your recovery phrase from the Samsung Blockchain Keystore.

Illustration of a woman holding a phone and a key next to a man holding a cryptocurrency coin.

Since the November 2020 update for Samsung Blockchain Keystore, users are allowed to opt out of the backup process when creating a new wallet. However, we strongly recommend that you follow this backup procedure for the safe use of our service:

1 Tap on “Back up” in “Back up recovery phrase” page in the initial setup process.
2 If you have chosen to back up later, go to the menu list of Samsung Blockchain Keystore, tap “Back up recovery phrase”.

Please note: You are solely responsible for any losses occurred from not backing up your recovery phrase.

For further assistance, please contact our Chat Support or technical experts on 1300 362 603. To find your Samsung product's User Manual, head to Manuals & Downloads.

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