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Your Privacy. Secured.

Your privacy.

In the age of ‘Always-On’ culture, most of us can’t imagine leaving our homes without our mobile phones. With that comes the inevitable worry about being tracked through the apps we installed on our devices.


Take control over the permissions that apps have on your device using the Privacy Dashboard.


How do I access the privacy dashboard on my Samsung Galaxy device?

1. Swipe down on your home screen to open the quick panel. Then, tap ‘Settings’ (gear icon).
2. Tap ‘Privacy’.
3. Tap ‘Permissions Manager’ to adjust the data that your installed apps can access.

The Samsung Privacy Dashboard will display how your information was used in the last 24 hours. You can also tap one of the categories (e.g. location, camera) to see more detailed information.

What information can I control on the Samsung Privacy Dashboard?

Manage or restrict permissions for apps by tapping Settings > Privacy > Permissions Manager. Under Permissions Manager, you can see which apps are using particular data. You can tap on the app to block access, usage, or tracking of relevant data.