How to troubleshoot Internet connectivity for Samsung TV

Last Update date : Sep 30. 2020

If your Samsung Smart TV is connected to a Wi-Fi or wired network, various features such as streaming services, weather information, and search would make you smarter and your life more convenient. However, are you having problems with the TV network so that you cannot use these features? Find out how to check your network and how to fix it.

Look into the Network Status

When you are having trouble connecting your Smart TV to the Internet, take a look at the Network Status. You can check your Internet connection settings and see where the connection is failing.

Troubleshooting Network Decor

Note: This article refers to Samsung smart TVs (i.e. Internet-connected). Images may differ slightly depending on the model and firmware on your TV.

Troubleshoot through Network Status

On the Network Status screen, you will be able to see the connection status of the TV, router, and the Internet. Blue dots mean a connection, and a red X means no connection.

Case 1. If the TV and the router are not connected, you should check both the TV and the router. Check the following.

  • Ensure that all of the cables connected to the router are well connected.
  • Restart the router. Unplug the power, wait about 1 minute, and reconnect.
  • Try connecting another device to the router. If it works, it's a TV problem, and if it doesn't, it's a router problem.
Network Trouble Case1

Case 2. If the router is not connected to the Internet, it is a problem with the Internet provider. 

  • You need to contact the Internet provider you are using.
Network Trouble Case2

Additional tips for the Internet connection

When you have a problem with the Internet connection, there are a number of other ways you can try to fix it besides looking into the Network Status. We recommend the below ways.

  • If you are using a wireless connection, the distance between the modem or router and the TV must be within 15.2 m, and there should be no obstacle between them. If there is any obstacle in the middle of them or the distance is more than 15.2 m, a wireless booster is required.
  • Check the IP settings. You can see these at Settings > Network > Network Settings > IP Settings.
  • Check for a Software Update. You can see this at Settings > Support > Software update > Update Now.
  • Try the self-diagnosis feature of the TV. You can see this at Settings > Support > Self Diagnosis.
  • If there is still a connection issue, you need to do a factory reset.

Step 1. Click the HOME button on your TV remote.

Step 2. Navigate to Settings and select it using your remote.

Home Settings Menu

Step 3. Select Network in the General menu.

Home Settings Menu

Step 4. Select Network Status.

Home Settings Menu

Step 5. On this screen, it is possible to see the status of the network. In addition, you can check your IP settings and try to reconnect.

Home Settings Menu

After a factory reset, you need to connect again to the Internet. There are two ways to connect your Smart TV to the Internet, which are wireless and wired connections. The connection method is as follows.

Step 1. Click the HOME button on your TV remote.

Step 2. Navigate to Settings and select it using your remote.

Step 3. Select Network (General is the first for some TVs).

Step 4. Select Open Network Settings.

Open Network Settings Menu

Step 5. Choose between a wireless or wired connection. If you choose a wired connection, it will be connected to the Internet. If it is wireless, select the network that you want to connect to.

Note: Make sure that the network cable is well connected to the back of your TV when trying to connect through a wired connection.

Note: The device screenshots and menu are only sample in English - they are also available in the language of your country.

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