How Do I Set My Plasma TV To Display 1080i?

Last Update date : Oct 09. 2020

2008 Plasma TVs
All Samsung 2008 Plasma TVs (PN models) can receive 1080i signals, but none display a 1080i picture. Depending on your model, the TV will convert the 1080i signal to either a 720p HDTV picture or a 1080p HDTV picture.
Of the 2008 Samsung plasma TVs, all Series 4 (A4xx) plasma TVs display all input in the 720p HD format. All Series 5 (A5xx) and 6 (A6xx) plasma TVs display all inputs in the 1080p HD format.
Depending on the input signal, your Samsung Plasma TV will either up-convert or down-convert the signal. For example, if your Plasma TV displays at 720p, then it will up-convert a 480i or 480p signal to 720p and down-convert a 1080i or 1080p signal to 720p.

Note: Your Samsung Plasma TV will let you change the size of the picture (from 16:9 to 4:3, for example, for standard cable broadcasts), but the signal format (the displayed resolution, for example, 720p) will remain unchanged. The TV will compensate for the smaller, non-HD size by adding bars to the sides or top and bottom of the screen.

2007 Plasma TVs

All Samsung 2007 Plasma TVs (HP-T and FP-T models) can receive 1080i signals, but none display a 1080i picture. Depending on your model, the TV will convert the 1080i signal to either a 720p HDTV picture or a 1080p HDTV picture.
Of the 2007 Samsung plasma TVs, all HP-T series plasma TVs display all input in the 720p HD format. All FP-T series plasma TVs display all inputs in the 1080p HD format.
Depending on the input signal, your Samsung Plasma TV will either up-convert or down-convert the signal. For example, if your Plasma TV displays at 720p, then it will up-convert a 480i or 480p signal to 720p and down-convert a 1080i or 1080p signal to 720p.

Note: Your Samsung Plasma TV will let you change the size of the picture (from 16:9 to 4:3, for example, for standard cable broadcasts), but the signal format (the displayed resolution, for example, 720p) will remain unchanged. The TV will compensate for the smaller, non-HD size by adding bars to the sides or top and bottom of the screen.

Older Plasma TVs

All older Samsung Plasma TVs accept 1080i signals through at least one Component Video input. However, none display in 1080i, but instead, in 720p, 480p, or 480i, depending on the TV.
The TVs up-convert or down-convert the signal it inputs to match its display resolution.

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