How to connect the LED F5500 Series Smart TV to Wi-Fi?

Last Update date : 2024-01-13

Follow the steps to set up the WiFi connection.

1 Use the Remote control and press the Menu Button
2 Scroll down in the menu list displayed on the TV and select Network.
How to connect the LED F5500 Series Smart TV to Wi-Fi?
3 Scroll down to, and press ENTER.
4 With Network type highlighted, press ENTER.
How to connect the LED F5500 Series Smart TV to Wi-Fi?

Note: Change from wired to wireless

5 Select Wireless and Connect
6 Scroll to and find your Access Point name. Then highlight it and press Enter.
How to connect the LED F5500 Series Smart TV to Wi-Fi?
7 If it is a secure connection, enter the password. Click Done upon assuring the password is entered.
How to connect the LED F5500 Series Smart TV to Wi-Fi?
8 Once a connection is established, the Network Settings Complete screen will appear indicating you are ready to begin using your Smart TV's Internet features.
How to connect the LED F5500 Series Smart TV to Wi-Fi?

Note:  If you have any questions after verifying the solutions mentioned above, please call our contact center for help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

* This feature is only available on specific models. Please refer to your user manual for more information

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