Samsung Galaxy Watch not tracking my Daily routine on GPS

Last Update date : 2024-03-26

Many users frequently activate the workout feature and begin moving before the watch has really locked on to the GPS satellites. Please note that the watch only records movement or mapping while being used to do an exercise routine via Samsung Health or another workout application. It is not a continuous GPS mapping activity tracker.


Decide whether you want to begin a workout on the watch or the phone before you start. It is not advised to begin an exercise on two different devices simultaneously because this will use the same Samsung Health account and might cause conflicts.


Check below for a step-by-step process on how to set up and track correctly:

1 Select the Samsung Health App on watch.
2 Scroll down and select the exercise option.
3 Select workout.
4 Select Running.
5 A Popup may appear at this time requesting permission to track location.
6 You should now be in the running option screen.
7 Scroll down to Location and select high accuracy.
8 Push the back button and scroll down to select whether you want the workout to pause when stopping running or not.
9 Scroll back up to Start running and check on the GPC icon as if it is not locked on to the GPS satellites the icon will flash and not record the mapping until it locks on.
10 Once locked on select Start running in order to start the GPS tracked exercise through Samsung Health or other applications.


  • satellites are located and locked on by line of sight, the GPS may halt tracking if the runner is ever racing through or under covers, such as a tunnel or a lengthy bridge, until the satellite is once again locked on with a clear line of sight.
  • If you have any questions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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