Raising an Error Report via Samsung Members app

Last Update date : 2024-10-07

Samsung Members is an app for support and device diagnostics. It will allow you to submit error reports, register Samsung Products, and request help across a lot of Samsung Apps and services. Samsung Members also have diagnostic capabilities that will help maximize device performance and identify any problems.


Samsung Members app

Please ensure you raise an error report within 5 minutes of the issue occurring on your Galaxy device. While raising an error report, it is important that you DO NOT close the Samsung Members app while log files are being generated.

1 Launch Samsung members icon Samsung Members app.
Launch Samsung Members app
2 Tap on Support.
Tap on Support
3 Scroll down the screen and select Error Reports.
Tap on Error Reports
4 Choose a category below.
Choose a category
5 Tap on Frequency.
Tap on frequency
6 Choose between Once, Often or Sometimes.
Choose between once, often or sometimes
7 Tap on the text box and explain the issue you are facing with your Galaxy device. If you would like to add any screen recordings or screenshots to your error report tap on paperclip icon. Once you are ready to send your error report select send icon.
Sending error report

Please ensure Send system log data is ticked.

Once our technical team has investigated the issue you will be able to view the troublehooting steps and reply them via the Feedback option.

1 Launch Samsung members icon Samsung Members app
Launch Samsung Members app
2 Tap on Support.
Tap on Support
3 Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Check feedback you sent.
Select Check feedback you sent
4 You should be able to view all your raised error reports and reponses from our technical team.
Select Error report to view response
5 You can then review the reponses from our the technical team and even ask extra questions.
Vview Reply from Samsung Members Team

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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