How to run diagnostics from your Samsung device

Last Update date : 2024-03-27

Running diagnostics on your Samsung device might assist you in locating the source of any troubles you're having. Thankfully, Samsung smartphones have built-in diagnostic tools that can assist you in swiftly and efficiently troubleshooting and diagnosing problems. This article will walk you through the procedures necessary to run diagnostics on your Samsung smartphone, allowing you to quickly get it back up and running.

To start device diagnosis Follow the below steps:

1 Go to Settings.
2 Then select battery and device care.
3 Go to the diagnostics option.
4 Press test all, you can also choose one or multiple.

Note: If something is wrong, the device will indicate after diagnostics that an action is required. The device is in good condition if it doesn't display anything.

How to use Galaxy Wearable Self Diagnostics

1 Open Samsung Members app.
2 Tap Support.
3 Tap to select your Galaxy Watch or Galaxy Buds from the list of connected wearable devices and enter the self diagnostic options.
4 Once you have selected Buds or Watch, select an option from the list to perform that diagnostic function.

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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