How to Fit Your Galaxy Watch on the Wrist You Prefer?

Last Update date : 2023-11-14

Do you prefer to use your left or right hand? Many people are right-handed, but you may want to wear your Galaxy Watch on your right wrist. Or, maybe you want the buttons to be on the other side of the watch. Whatever your preference, you can change the orientation of your Wear OS Galaxy smartwatch to suit your dominant hand.


If you're left-handed and find that it's easier to use the watch with your dominant hand, you can easily set up the watch to make it comfortable to use.

1 On your watch, navigate to and open Settings, tap General, and then tap Orientation.

Note: You can also access these settings in the Galaxy Wearable app on your connected phone.

2 Select Left or Right under Wrist.
3 Then, select Left or Right under Key position. This will flip the screen so you can use the buttons more easily.
4 Your watch will apply your chosen selections, and the screen orientation will change.
5 Now, you can use your watch on your preferred wrist! Just remove it from one wrist and securely attach it to the other. If you change the button orientation, you might find it helpful to swap the upper and lower watch strap position.
1 Navigate to the Galaxy Wearable app
2 Select Watch settings.
3 Now select General then select Orientation.
4 Now you can set Left or Right of Wrist and Button position.
set Left or Right of Wrist and Button position


  • Changing your screen orientation is only supported on Galaxy watches running Wear OS, Tizen OS models are not supported
  • If you use your watch to measure your ECG, select the orientation that matches how you normally wear your watch. This will ensure accurate measurements.
  • If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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