How to customize a wallpaper and color palette

Last Update date : 2024-06-27

Personalizing your digital space is an art. This quick guide walks you through the creative process of customizing your wallpaper and color palette, turning your device into a unique canvas that reflects your style.

How to customize a wallpaper and color palette How to customize a wallpaper and color palette

customize a wallpaper :

  • Press and hold on the home screen.
  • Tap Wallpaper and style.
  • Tap change Wallpapers .
  • Choose the design, then tap Done.
Change wallpaper

Get more wallpapers :

  • Tap on Get more wallpapers.
  • Choose the design and apply. 
Change wallpaper

customize colour palette:

  • From Wallpaper and style.
  • Tap on Color palette.
  • Choose and Apply your desire colors .
 colour palette

 Note: For further assistance or questions, please Contact us.

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