How to change the call background on my Galaxy phone

Last Update date : 2024-08-29

Choose a photo or video from your Gallery to display when you make a call using this feature for Galaxy devices running Android OS 11.0 and higher, Learn how to personalize your call background on your Galaxy Phone (R) To understand how to modify your Galaxy Phone's call background, go to the instructions below.

Follow these steps to set a photo or video as a call background on contacts.

1 Launch the Phone app and tap the More options icon (three vertical dots).
Phone App More Options
2 Select Settings and tap on Call Background.
Phone App Settings
3 Tap Background, select a video or picture from the featured options or your Gallery, and then tap Set as call background.
Call Background


  • The video should not be longer than 15 seconds.
  • You can also use video sound as a ringtone.

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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