How does Enhanced data protection differ from existing backup and restore methods on Samsung Fold6 and Flip6?

Last Update date : 2024-07-17
 Fold6 and Flip6

What is Enhanced Data Protection?

Enhanced data protection on Samsung Fold6 and Flip6 involves the application of end-to-end encryption to supported data items when backing up to Samsung Cloud. This ensures that sensitive information remains secure during transmission and storage.

Key Differences from Existing Backup Methods

  • Encryption Application: With Enhanced data protection activated, supported data items are encrypted before being backed up to Samsung Cloud. This contrasts with existing backup methods, where data may be backed up without encryption.

  • Data Security: Encrypted data items are safeguarded against unauthorized access, enhancing overall data security.

  • Limitations on Data Restoration: Data backed up before activating Enhanced data protection cannot be restored under the new encryption scheme. This underscores the importance of enabling this feature early to protect all relevant data.

Implementing Enhanced Data Protection

  • Activation Process: Users can activate Enhanced data protection through their device settings, typically under "Enhanced data protection" options in Samsung Cloud settings.

  • Data Support: Not all data types may support enhanced data protection. Those that do not will continue to be backed up using existing methods.

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