Good Lock: Elevate Your Samsung Experience

Last Update date : 2024-01-18

Good Lock is more than just an app; it's your device's toolkit, offering a collection of features and modules that enable you to shape your Samsung experience. With Good Lock, you can tailor almost everything to match your preferences.

  • Color Customization:
    Personalize your "Quick Settings" panel with this module. Change colors to match your wallpaper or create a vibrant theme.

  • Notification Panel Customization:
    Customize your notification panel, from the Wi-Fi icon to the date and battery percentage.

Keyboard Customization:

  1. Color Customization: Fully customize the colors of keys, background, and font.

  2. Effects: Choose to add color effects and motion effects.

  3. Sound: Choose your preferred touch sound.

  • Customize Navigation Bar Icons: Swap out the standard icons with something more unique to you.

  • Adjust Layout and Spacing: Tweak the arrangement of your navigation buttons and adjust the spacing.

Elevate Your Notifications and Lock Screen using Good Lock

  • Add a touch of elegance to your notifications.

  • Customize how your screen reacts when you receive calls or messages.

This module allows you to personalize your lock screen clock styles, add information like the date and weather, and even enable a dynamic lock screen.

  • LockStar allows you to redefine your lock screen's appearance

  • Transform your lock screen from clock styles to notifications.

Note: if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our Contact center, where our helpful agents will be glad to assist you.

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