Adjusting Odyssey OLED G9 Settings: Frequency, Resolution, Power-Saving

Last Update date : 2024-09-29
Odyssey OLED G9

To change the frequency on your graphics card:

1 Windows 7

Go to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Display > Screen Resolution > Advanced settings > Monitor, and adjust the Screen Refresh Rate under Monitor settings.


2 Windows 8/8.1

Navigate to Settings > Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Display > Screen Resolution > Advanced settings > Monitor, then adjust the refresh rate under Monitor settings.


3 Windows 10

Go to Settings > System > Display > Advanced display settings > Display adapter properties > Monitor, then adjust the screen refresh rate under Monitor settings.


4 Windows 11

Open Start > Settings > System > Display > Advanced display > Display adapter properties > Monitor, and then adjust the screen refresh rate under Monitor settings.


To change the frequency on your graphics card:

1 Windows 7

Go to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Display > Screen Resolution, and adjust the resolution accordingly.

2 Windows 8/8.1

Navigate to Settings > Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Display > Adjust Resolution, now you can make your adjustments.

3 Windows 10

Open Settings > System > Display > Advanced display settings, and adjust the resolution as needed.

4 Windows 11

Go to Start > Settings > System > Display. Find the display resolution and make your adjustments.

To change the frequency on your graphics card:

1 Windows 7

Navigate to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Personalization > Screen Saver Settings. Choose Power options or access BIOS SETUP on the PC.

2 Windows 8/8.1

Go to Settings > Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Personalize > Screen Saver Settings. Select Power options or access BIOS SETUP on the PC.

3 Windows 10

Open Settings > Personalization > Lock screen > Screen timeout settings. Navigate to Power & Sleep or access BIOS SETUP on the PC.

4 Windows 11

Go to Start > Settings > System > Power & Battery. Adjust the screen and sleep settings on the PC.

Note: If you are still facing issues, you can call our contact center and our helpful agents will assist you.

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