Smart Wireless Keyboard

VG-KBD2500 / VG-KBD2500/ZA
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Smart Wireless Keyboard
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Bluetooth 2.1 Connectivity

Built-in Touchpad

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    Smart Wireless Keyboard

    Enhance your Smart TV experience with the VG-KBD2500 Wireless Keyboard. Accessing the internet with Smart Hub has never been easier. You can write social network messages and emails or enter web addresses quickly and easily with Bluetooth® 2.1.

    Smart Wireless Keyboard
    Samsung Mobile Compatibility

    Samsung Mobile Compatibility

    The Smart Wireless Keyboard is compatible with select Samsung mobile devices*. Connect to your smartphone or tablet with the wireless keyboard, and write text messages and emails more comfortably.

    Remote Control Combined

    The Smart Wireless Keyboard gives you easy hotkey access to TV remote control functions such as power on/off, channel changing and volume adjustment. Combining comfort and functionality, the VG-KBD2500 keyboard has been designed to optimize your Samsung Smart TV experience.

    Remote Control Combined
    Built-in Touchpad

    Built-in Touchpad

    Use the built-in touchpad to smoothly operate and navigate with speed and ease. It provides complete control of your Samsung TV and Smart Hub so you don't need a separate mouse.

    Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification

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    Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification. All images are dramatizations for demo purposes.