Is the Remote Management Service Secure?

Last Update date : Oct 27. 2020

Yes, the remote management system uses a secure connection between your TV and our server. All information is stored on Samsung's servers and no third party company has access to this information. No unwanted information can be sent to your TV or any malicious programs.




Samsung Remote support service offers you one-on-one support with Samsung Technician who can remotely : 


● Diagnose your TV.

● Customise the TV setting for you ( Picture, Sound, etc. )

● Backup and restore your customize settings.

● Reset your TV to the factory default.

● Install the latest firmware.

● Manage Smart Hub optimally.

● Configure Smart Hub and app installation.

● Optimal Picture and Audio Calibration.


Additional benefit is that your TV settings are saved with our servers for future sessions if needed. It’s easy convenient and faster way to get support for your TV.


CLICK HERE to know how to get support for Samsung Smart TV via Remote Management.  

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